A Memorandum of Cooperation Was Signed Between GTU and the Railway Transport Agency

A Memorandum of Cooperation Was Signed Between GTU and the Railway Transport Agency


A Memorandum of Cooperation Was Signed Between GTU and the Railway Transport Agency

A Memorandum of Cooperation Was Signed Between GTU and the Railway Transport Agency
A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Georgian Technical University and the Railway Transport Agency, which was signed by the vice-rector of GTU, Professor Tamar Tsereteli, and the director of the Railway Transport Agency - Erekle Kezherashvili. 

The event was attended by the representatives of GTU and agency administration, students, and professors of the railway transport program of the faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering and was opened by the vice-rector.

As Tamar Tsereteli pointed out, the partnership between the university and the agency will be fruitful and multifaceted for the faculty and students and bring many successes. 

For information - the history of the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering began in 1928. Multidisciplinary educational programs focused on Georgian and European educational standards are implemented at the faculty, including programs with no analogs in Georgia.


“We hope the cooperation document between our university and the Railway Transport Agency will guarantee a solid partnership and allow us to jointly train competitive professional personnel. 

Cooperation includes the provision of information about vacancies by the agency to the university, the organization of joint workshops on current issues, and cooperation within the framework of the “Research and Innovation Support Program” (ReINNOVA) operating at the university, which means jointly hold a scientific event, support for educational activities and professional development of students, and in general, the development of the railway field”, said Tamar Tsereteli.

The vice-rector drew attention to the important joint events, the implementation of which will start shortly within the framework of the memorandum. According to Tamar Tsereteli, joint scientific discussions, symposia, conferences, training, and seminars with the participation of scientists and students will become regular.

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