The Dan David Prize and Scholarships 2009
(Tel Aviv University, Israel)
The Dan David Prize is a joint international enterprise endowed by the Dan David Foundation, headquartered at Tel Aviv University.
The Dan David Prize is awarded to individuals and institutions with proven, exceptional excellence and contribution to humanity in the sciences, arts, humanities, public service and business without discrimination of any kind.
Applications for the Dan David Prize deadline: November 30th, 2008
Ten percent of the prize is donated by the laureates as scholarships to outstanding young researchers, doctoral and postdoctoral students, studying topics related to the chosen fields. Each year the Dan David Prize awards 20 scholarships of US$ 15,000 each to outstanding doctoral and postdoctoral students, 10 scholarships are awarded to students from universities all over the world and 10 scholarships to students from Tel Aviv University.
Advanced doctoral and postdoctoral students of excellent achievement and promise studying topics related to the fields chosen for this year, are invited to apply for the Dan David Prize Scholarships for the year 2009.
Applications for the Dan David Prize Scholarships deadline: March 31st, 2009
For further detail information on the Dan David Prize and scholarships:
Contacts information:
Ms. Smadar Fisher, Director
Prof. Isaac P. Witz, Scientific Adviser
Dan David Pize
Eitan Berglas Bldg/119, Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
Tel: +972-3-6406614/5
Fax: +972-3-6406613