The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Biosystem Engineering of the Georgian Technical University, with a Bachelor’s Degree Program in Forestry, has been participating in the four-year international project - DUGEOR, since January 2023.
Within the framework of DUGEOR, with the cooperation and active involvement of the Georgian Technical University and the National Forestry Agency, support for the different needs and interests of all stakeholders, specific requirements were identified and a general model of dual higher education was developed, which will support the introduction of dual education in Georgian higher education institutions and the development of European education.
The DUGEOR consortium consists of 16 members including 4 foreign (Serbia, Austria, Germany), 5 Georgian universities, and 5 partner organizations - Vengo Group, Wilhelmsen Port Services Georgia, WPSG, INTERLOGGEORGIA INTLOG, wine company “SHUMI”; the consortium members are the Ministry of Education, Science, and Youth of Georgia, the National Center for Education Quality Development and the National Forestry Agency.
DUGEOR, funded by the European Union within the framework of the ERASMUS+ Capacity Building program, started on January 1st, 2023, and will end on December 31st, 2026. See details at the