The Georgian Technical University responded to the story aired in the program “Mtavari” of the TV company “Mtavari Arkhi”, in which the media outlet deliberately spread misinformation about the fact of transferring of modern equipment devices to the university from the Austrian company VICE SYSTEMTECHNIK GmbH to launch a scientific-research laboratory of hydrotechnics and hydraulics, based on the agreement.
According to the university, since 2015, to purchase modern equipment for the hydrotechnics and hydraulics scientific research laboratory of GTU, negotiations began with the Austrian company BILFINGER VAM Anlagentechnik GmbH, selected by the Austrian government, which has implemented similar projects in many countries around the world. However, later, another well-known Austrian company - VICE SYSTEMTECHNIK GmbH - won the tender announced by the Austrian government. The cost of the equipment is 7 million euros. Unfortunately, the journalists of the TV company did not try to verify the mentioned facts.
Beka Maisuradze, the head of the Legal Assurance Department of GTU, gave comprehensive and competent answers to the journalist’s questions. Nevertheless, the media provided the GTU representative comment to the audience in the most abbreviated form, so it is impossible to get complete and objective information, as well as, in general, even to clarify the issue raised in the story.
To inform the public, the Georgian Technical University considers it appropriate to make the following additional clarifications.
First of all, the equipment provided by the Austrian company for the operation of the hydrotechnics and hydraulics scientific research laboratory can’t be used to predict or monitor floods, landslides, or other natural events.
The purpose of the stationary laboratory is to carry out high-level training research and expert work, as well as to take into account technical data and technological cycles with high accuracy in the process of designing hydrotechnical objects to be built and to use the laboratory’s capacities for simulation processes in the laboratory space and not in the field conditions.
Students, professors, and researchers of all three levels of education of the Georgian Technical University will be involved in the research and expert or design works to be carried out in the scientific research laboratory of hydrotechnics and hydraulics.
As for the implementation of the hydro technics and hydraulics scientific-research stationary laboratory at the Georgian Technical University, according to the requirements of the Austrian company VICE SYSTEMTECHNIK GmbH and the existing contract, the mentioned process requires the mobilization of a specific building. According to the clauses specified in the agreement, at this stage, the territory is selected (address: “Motsiqulta Scori Nino” Street, #6; land plot area 10,000 sq/m; the total area of the building - 2850 sq/m, volume 28,000 m3). The building project and its internal planning have been drawn up, the discussion of which was held several times at the GTU under the direct leadership of the rector, Academician Davit Gurgenidze. It is planned to announce a tender and start construction work shortly. After the completion of the works, in partnership with Austrian specialists, the equipment delivered to the laboratory will be calibrated and installed.
The Government of Georgia and the Ministry of Education, Science, and Youth have sought funds to implement the Hydrotechnics and Hydraulics Scientific Research Laboratory project.
Equipment worth 7 million euros for the laboratory was purchased with a state loan, the repayment of which, based on the sub-loan agreement signed with the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, will be provided by the Georgian Technical University from 2024. Accordingly, the fulfillment of obligations under the agreement began in 2024 and will continue for 17 years.
The Georgian Technical University unequivocally and with full responsibility declares once again that the scientific research laboratory of hydrotechnics and hydraulics, which will be put into operation in the future, can’t provide field laboratory studies for signaling, early notification or monitoring purposes of natural disasters. In connection with this, the Georgian Technical University considers the provision of false information to the public and the discrediting of the university unacceptable and demands an apology from the media in the same format.