Students’ competition – “Young people to protect the ozone layer”

Students’ competition – “Young people to protect the ozone layer”


Students’ competition – “Young people to protect the ozone layer”

Students’ competition – “Young people to protect the ozone layer”
The Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering of Georgian Technical University, the United Nations Development Program, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, and the Center for Environmental Information and Education have announced the competition for students – “Youth to protect the ozone layer”.

The purpose of the competition

The purpose of the competition is to raise awareness about the importance of the ozone layer for human health and, in general, for the existence of life on the earth; On modern advanced technologies that contribute to the protection of the ozone layer and on the new challenges that are on the agenda in the background of climate change, as well as the lack of qualified specialists in refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pumps in Georgia.

Competition topics

Modern technologies in refrigeration, heat pumps, and air conditioning systems;

Energy-efficient heating and cooling systems;

Response to the challenge - protection of the ozone layer and climate change

The person participating in the competition must meet the following conditions:

As of September 10th, 2024, must be a student of professional, bachelor’s, master's, or doctoral at an authorized institution in Georgia;

The presenting person must be the author of the paper. Co-author should not be more than 2 non-student persons;

To participate in the competition, you must be registered at the following link.

Submission of papers

The number of pages of the work should not exceed 30 pages (without drawings and appendices).

· Font: Sylfaen; Size: 11

· Paper format: Word or pdf

Evaluation criteria

· Challenge and its in-depth analysis

· Solving the issue of reducing emissions of ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases in Georgia

· Innovativeness

· Integrating gender issues

· Stylistic fluency

Competition Commission

The competition commission will be composed of representatives of the United Nations Development Program (2), Georgian Technical University (2), the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture (2), and the Association of Refrigeration and Cryogenic Equipment and Air Conditioning Engineers of Georgia (2).

The three best works will be selected by the competition commission. The authors of the paper will be awarded a hardware store voucher: I place - 1500 GEL; II - place 1300; III place - 1000 GEL.

Award ceremony

The awards will be presented to the authors of the winning papers at the student conference, which will be held on October 4th, 2024, in the first building of Georgian Technical University (address: Merab Kostava St. # 68, Tbilisi).

All students who have presented the competition materials will be invited to the event.

Terms and conditions for submission of competitive papers

It will be possible to submit papers from June 1st to September 10th, 2024, to the e-mail addresses: Ugrekhelidzeirine05@gtu.ge and lali.tevzadze@undp.org

In case of additional questions, contact us:

· Irina Ugrekhelidze, Technical University of Georgia, 551 970301, Ugrekhelidzeirine05@gtu.ge

· Lali Tevzadze, Project Manager, United Nations Development Program, 557 736919, lali.tevzadze@undp.org


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