Project PRINTeL - TOT Training Courses on Innovation Pedagogy at University of Barcelona

Project PRINTeL - TOT Training Courses on Innovation Pedagogy at University of Barcelona


Project PRINTeL - TOT Training Courses on Innovation Pedagogy at University of Barcelona

On December 9-15, Associate Professors of Georgian Technical University Tamar Loladze (Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy) and Nikoloz Abzianidze (Faculty of Energy and Telecommunication) participated in the Intensive TOT Training Courses of Innovative Pedagogy in the framework of the ERASMUS+ Program PRINTeL Project funded by the European Union, which was held at the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICE) (Spain), being the European Partner of the project. The five day intensive training (30 hours, 2 credits) in innovative learning envisaged training of trainers and instructors of relevant qualifications in the field of innovative methods of teaching and learning using modern technologies.

In this course were discussed how to design gamified class activities and how to make use of mobile devices in class and outside class to activate students learning.
Active learning implies interactivity between the tools and resources and the learners, and also interaction between teachers and learners. This educational transformation lays on seeing the teaching and learning processes from a different perspective in which the learner is the centre and ICT is the medium.

In education gamification is an educational strategy to motivate students to learn by the application of gaming mechanics or video game design elements in learning environments. The goal can be achieved using digital tools and resources or in a more traditional way, but ICT can help us in the implementation of this innovative teaching strategy.

M-learning involves the use of mobile technology, either alone or in combination with other information and communication technology (ICT), to enable learning anytime and anywhere. Learning can unfold in a variety of ways: people can use mobile devices to access educational resources, connect with others, or create content, both inside and outside classrooms.

Professors and teachers of higher education institutions of Georgia, Belarus and Armenia took part in the project. The training was conducted by the Professors and teachers of the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of the University of Barcelona: Joan-Tomàs Pujolà Font, Aina Chabert, Beatriz Vallejo, Solène Neyret, Tania Johnston and Justyna Swidrak.

According the syllabus the training covered  following topics:
Day 1: Introduction to the course and workshop in an Active Learning.
During the first day the participants discussed the concept of active learning and they were introduced the two main topics, m-learning and gamification, they would be working on during the week.

On the first day of the training, the participants were given a group task, namely, they had to choose a project that would be carried out during the week taking into consideration the knowledge received, and at the end of the training they presented their own projects publicly to the trainers and other participants.

Day 2: Gamification.
The second day was focused on the innovative teaching strategy called gamification and they made a clear distinction between game-based learning, serious games and gamification to end up working thoroughly on gamification. They were introduced the gamified online course with Moodle. The trainers shared their own experience with the course participants regarding the use of the e-learning platform – Moodle; reviewed Moodle positive and effective results of Moodle in the teaching process. The participants were also explained how to create a Moodle user's personal page, preparing tasks for students using the program, uploading files, etc.

Day 3: M-Learning and Virtual Reality.
The third day dealt with the concept of mobile learning and different apps for different learning purposes were revised. The trainers introduced themselves in the realms of virtual reality for educational purposes, visited virtual reality laboratory of the University of Barcelona and individually participated in the experiment.

Day 4: M-Learning and Augmented Reality; Designing a gamified teaching intervention.
The fourth day they kept on working with mobile apps in a productive way reflecting upon their potential for using them inside and outside their classes. They were introduced the augmented reality concept and tried several apps so as to reflect on the benefits and difficulties of introducing it as a learning resource.

In this afternoon workshop the participants designed a gamified teaching intervention collaboratively. The Spanish Professors shared their experience with the participants on the project-based online tools. Within this format of learning, the University of Barcelona uses programs such as Slido, Kahoot, Mentimeter and others. Participants prepared tasks, uploaded various types of files. In the afternoon the participants were divided into groups and started working on a weekly project with the help of assistants.

Day 5: Presentations.
The final day of the course was devoted to the presentation of the assignments and the final elaboration of collaborative documents useful for future reference for their own teaching and teacher training. Participants evaluated the training course individually and thanked Spanish Professors for sharing their experience. Participants were awarded certificates for the participation in the project.

Representatives of Georgian Technical University will share their knowledge and experience, gained in the framework of the project, with their Georgian colleagues through the trainings organized at the GTU, aiming popularization and development of innovative pedagogic elements.

For further information on the Project PRINTeL (Project PRINTel – “Change in Classroom: Promoting Innovative Teaching and Learning to Enhance Student Learning Experience in Eastern Partnership Countries”), visit the official website of the Project PRINTel and the website of GTU International Relations and Standards Office.

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