Rector of GTU, Academician David Gurgenidze Congratulates Mikheil Kavelashvili on His Election as the President of Georgia

Rector of GTU, Academician David Gurgenidze Congratulates Mikheil Kavelashvili on His Election as the President of Georgia


Rector of GTU, Academician David Gurgenidze Congratulates Mikheil Kavelashvili on His Election as the President of Georgia

Rector of GTU, Academician David Gurgenidze Congratulates Mikheil Kavelashvili on His Election as the President of Georgia
Academician David Gurgenidze, the Rector of the Georgian Technical University and the chairman of the Standing Conference of Rectors of Georgia, on behalf of the university community, congratulates Mikheil Kavelashvili on his election as President of Georgia.

As stated in the statement, the university welcomes President Mikheil Kavelashvili’s decision to unite society and strengthen the democratic standards that the Georgian people unconditionally deserve.

“Your Excellency, on behalf of the Georgian Technical University community, I heartily congratulate you on your election as the President of Georgia. Against the backdrop of global processes taking place in the world, the population of Georgia, a country with ancient history and traditions, looks to you with the hope that in this difficult process, you, the Commander-in-Chief of Georgia, will make a great contribution to the security, unification and economic growth of our homeland. We deeply believe that on the path of Georgia to Europe, the Georgian nation will walk only in peace, dignity, and prosperity. I congratulate you and wish you to serve our country and people with dignity,” is said in David Gurgenidze’s statement.

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