Initial and repeated training programs were introduced at the Georgian Technical University, at the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering, to train the technical staff of the Center for Periodic Technical Inspection (PTI) of motor vehicles.
The training programs are implemented by the structural unit of the transport systems training research and expert center of the Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering faculty – “Personnel Certification Body”, which is accredited by the unified national accreditation body - the Accreditation Center.
Dean of the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering of GTU, Associate Professor, Boris Githolandia noted that according to the current legislation, one of the most important requirements of the Center for Periodic Technical Inspection of Motor Vehicles to technical personnel is to undergo initial and repeated training.
“For this purpose, training programs have been developed at the Georgian Technical University that are directly adapted to the training and retraining requirements of the technical staff of the PT Center, which is determined based on Regulation #511.
120 academic hours were determined as the duration of the initial training of the technical personnel training program of the PT Center, which is distributed over 15 days.
The retraining program, that is, repeated training, includes 40 academic hours. In this case, the duration of training is 5 days”, explained Boris Gitolandia.
According to the dean of the faculty, the initial and repeated training programs will be led by professors of the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering of GTU, and the teaching schedule will be adjusted to the needs of the trainees as much as possible.
According to him, after the completion of the course, the trainees will be given a corresponding certificate.
In case of interest in the training, for additional information, applicants can contact the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering of the Georgian Technical University, in particular, the Transport Systems Training-Research and Expert Center - at the address: Merab Kostava 68; a building I of GTU, V floor, room # 539; or contact the university hotline: 0322 77 11 11 (72 56) or can send a question to the e-mail address:
For the information: the main activity of the structural unit – “Personnel Certification Authority”, which is a part of the transport systems training-research and expert center of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of GTU, is the certification of the technical personnel of the periodic technical inspection centers of motor vehicles, as well as the technical regulation #511 ("motor vehicle According to “requirements for the technical qualifications of buildings, equipment, and personnel of periodic technical inspection centers of the facility”), conducting initial and repeated training for the technical personnel of the PT center.