An international scientific conference – “Protection of the Environment and Sustainable Development” will be held at GTU

An international scientific conference – “Protection of the Environment and Sustainable Development” will be held at GTU


An international scientific conference – “Protection of the Environment and Sustainable Development” will be held at GTU

An international scientific conference – “Protection of the Environment and Sustainable Development” will be held at GTU

An international scientific conference – “Protection of the Environment and Sustainable Development” will be held at GTU

Under the auspices of the Department of Environmental Engineering and Ecology named after Professor Victor Eristavi of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy of GTU, on June 12, an international scientific conference - "Protection of the Environment and Sustainable Development" will be held.

The conference is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of Professor Viktor Eristavi, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, the founder of the Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering Ecology.

The Scientific directions of the conference:

1. Environmental protection and new technologies;

2. Socio-economic aspects of environmental protection and ecological safety;

3. Assessment of the existing ecological condition of environmental objects;

4. Biodiversity and urban ecology;

5. Environmental chemistry and ecology;

6. Ecological aspects of energy - energy efficiency.

Conference venue:

The Georgian Technical University, small assembly hall of the administrative building (floor III).

Georgia, Tbilisi, M. Kostava st. #77.

Time of the conference holding – 2024, June 12, beginning at 10 a.m.

The working languages of the conference - Georgian, English, Russian.

To participate in the conference, you need to submit the electronic version of the article to the organizing committee by May 31, 2024, which should be sent to the e-mail address: ecologist404@gtu.ge

Also, be sure to indicate in which scientific direction of the conference you are participating.

The Georgian Technical University finances the organizational costs of the conference. Participants will pay for transportation and accommodation themselves.

The conference materials will be published in the form of an electronic collection and placed on the website of the faculty. Access to the materials is free for everyone.

The collection of conference materials will be assigned an ISBN and DOI, and all conference participants will receive a certificate.

See the conference schedule and article preparation instructions here: Follow the link here

Conference schedule:

10.00 - 11.00 - Registration.

11.00 - 12.30 - Opening of the conference. Plenary reports

12.30 - 13.00 - Coffee Break

13.00 - 15.30 - Work on conference sections

15.30 - 17.00 - Discussion of posters.

The procedure for drawing up a scientific article:

The article should be presented in printed form on A4 format paper, The number of pages is 5 or more (areas - 2 cm, spacing - 1.5); The article must be made in the form of a doc or docx file (MS Word) and an article should be sent to the electronic version to the following email address: ecologist404@gtu.ge: Be sure to indicate which direction of scientific conference you are participating in.

For Georgian text, use Sylfaen font, size 12;

For English text – font Times New Roman, size 12.

The article should include the following information:

● UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) code;

● Information about the author(s) and reviewers in Georgian and English:

● Full name and surname of all authors, e-mail, scientific title, and contact phone number.

●  Department name. Full name of the organization:

● Each author's place of work, country, city.

● Annotation in Georgian and English (100-150 words). Annotation should be: informative (should not contain general words and phrases); It should mention what made the given article relevant; The content of the text in English should reflect the main content of the article and the results of the research; Structured (follow the logic of describing the results in the article).

The article should include

The subject, topic, and purpose of the article (which you indicate if it is not clear from the title of the article);

Method or methodology of research;

The area of application of the results;

Keywords sorted alphabetically (in Georgian and English); the following parts: introduction, main part, and conclusion, which should be separated from the main text; If the article contains images or photographs, it is necessary to provide us with their computer version, in any graphic format, with a resolution of at least 150 dpi;

The Used Literature in English.

Literature (sample)

book with one author

Sherrill, R. D. (1956). The terrifying future: Contemplating color television. San Diego: Halstead.

A book with two or more authors

Smith, J., & Peter, Q. (1992). Hairball: An intensive peek behind the surface of an enigma. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University Press.

Article in the book

Mcdonalds, A. (1993). Practical methods for the apprehension and sustained containment of supernatural entities. In G. L. Yeager (Ed.), Paranormal and occult studies: Case studies in application (pp. 42–64). London: OtherWorld Books.

Journal article with separate pagination

 Crackton, P. (1987). The Loonie: God's long-awaited gift to colorful pocket change? Canadian Change, 64(7), 34–37.

Journal article with sequential page count

Rottweiler, F. T., & Beauchemin, J. L. (1987). Detroit and Narnia: Two enemies on the brink of destruction. Canadian/American Studies Journal, 54, 66-146.

Article in Weekly Journal

Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28–31.

Newspaper article

Wrong, M. (2005, August 17). Misquotes are "Problematastic," says the Mayor. Toronto Sol, p

Government document

Revenue Canada. (2001). Advanced gouging: Manual for employees (MP 65- 347/1124). Ottawa: Minister of Immigration and Revenue.


Instructions for making a poster

Report Posters presented at the conference should be printed in A1 size format. The poster should include the following necessary components:


Authors (indicate the last name of the corresponding author with an asterisk);

Short abstract (preferably placed in the margin);



Main text (judgment of the results);

The experimental part (if the work is experimental)



Contact information of the author or authors

Additional information can be placed on the poster - tables, pictures, drawings, etc.

Order of the Rector of the Georgian Technical University

International scientific conference on environmental protection and sustainable development

According to Article 22 of the Law of Georgia “On Higher Education”, Article 39, Clause 13 of the Statute of the Georgian Technical University, based on the official card of Liana Targamadze, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy:  

I order

On June 12, 2024, the Georgian Technical University will hold an international scientific conference on the topic – “Environmental protection and sustainable development”

1. To Create a scientific council with the following composition:

Davit Gurgenidze - Chairman, Rector of the Georgian Technical University of Georgia, academician (Georgia);

Liana Targamadze - Co-chairman, Technical University of Georgia acting dean of the faculty of chemical technology and metallurgy (Georgia);


Tamar Tsereteli - Associate professor (Georgia);

Tamar Lominadze - Deputy rector (Georgia);

Karlo Kopaliani - Head of GTU administration, professor (Georgia);

Lavrenti Gudavadze - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Professor (Georgia);

Davit Tavkhelidze - Professor of GTU, member-correspondent of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Georgia);

Mikheil Janikashvili - Professor of GTU (Georgia);

Giorgi Kvesitadze - Academician of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Georgia);

Vladimir Tsitsishvili - Academician of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Georgia);

Dimitri Eristavi - GTU professor (Georgia);

Marinela Panayotova - Professor (Bulgaria);

Vladko Panayotov - Professor (Bulgaria);

Orlin Gemishev - PhD (Bulgaria);

Manabu Miyamoto - Professor (Japan);

Maria Doula - Professor (Greece);

Lusine Harutunian - PhD (Armenia)

Nagima Jakipbekova - Professor (Kazakhstan)

To Create an organizing committee with the following composition:

Maya Msvildadze - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy of GTU, professor;

Tamari Loladze - Associate professor of GTU;

Rati Gurgenidze - Manager of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Nazibrola Kutsiava - Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Maya Tsintsadze - Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Tamar Tsintsadze - Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Roza Khutsishvili - Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Zurab Sabashvili - Associate Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Shalva Andghuladze - Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Giorgi Mchedlishvili - Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Izolda Bazghadze - Associate Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Jimsher Kerkadze - Associate Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy.

To create a scientific committee with the following composition:

Mamuka Maisuradze - Head of the quality assurance service of the faculty of chemical technology and metallurgy, professor;

Zviad Kovziridze - Director of the Institute of Bio nanoceramics and Nanocomposites Technology, professor;

Revaz Kldiashvili - Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Nana Gelovani - Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Leila Gvedtsiteli – Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Jemal Shengelia - Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Mamuka Matsaberidze - Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Omar Mikadze - Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Teimuraz Cheishvili - Professor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy;

Larry Gvasalia - Emeritus.

The conference secretariat should be created with the following composition:

Maya Kavtaradze - Learned secretary, associate professor;

Marine Demetradze - Associate professor;

Ekaterine Matsaberidze - Associate professor;

Maya Gugeshidze - Associate professor;

Nino Bagrationi - Assistant Professor;

Irine Geleishvili - Assistant - professor;

Manana Mamulashvili - Assistant professor;

Khatuna Tserodze - Assistant - professor.

2. To provide appropriate halls, necessary technical equipment, and necessary spaces for the holding of the conference;

3. Information about the holding of the conference should be posted on the website of the Technical University of Georgia;

4. To create an electronic address for contacting the conference participants and receiving scientific papers from them. Also, instruct the "Technical University" publishing house to assign an ISBN to the collection of conference materials and a DOI to the scientific research institute “Techinform”;

5. The department of proceedings of the university shall ensure the familiarization of the order to the interested persons;

6. The order can be appealed within 1 (one) month after its publication in the Tbilisi City Court (location: Tbilisi, Davit Agmashenebeli Alley No. 64).


Tamar Tsereteli



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