Notice for the Students! Online lectures will start on March 30. We offer renewed video instructions

Notice for the Students! Online lectures will start on March 30. We offer renewed video instructions


Notice for the Students! Online lectures will start on March 30. We offer renewed video instructions


Вниманию студентов!

From March 30, Georgian Technical University will offer live broadcasts of online lectures to students of all three degrees of education on the e-learning university platform - elearning.gtu.ge

Online lectures for undergraduates, postgraduates and PhD students of the Technical University will be conducted on the e-learning university platform - elearning.gtu.ge, through Zoom and BBB platforms. 

Finally, students are provided with a special updated guide including video instructions for how to use the online platform and how to get engaged in online lectures.

This guide is also uploaded on the e-Learning University Platform elearning.gtu.ge, the Technical University Facebook page working in an interactive mode https://www.facebook.com/gtu.ge/, and on the youtube university platform.

Note: Georgian Technical University has started the learning process with electronic components since March 16 of this year. The university electronic platform elearning.gtu.ge. is also functioning. Students of all three degrees of the Technical University undergo integration on the university electronic platform without interruption. ore than 80% of students have already registered for the platform.

We would like to remind you that according to the Resolution # 181 of the Government of Georgia dated March 23, the educational process in Georgia was postponed from April 1 until April 21 to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. The restriction also applies to higher education institutions, including the Georgian Technical University.

⚫ For students of education programs in English language we offer video instructions on how to integrate and use the platform.

Video 1 -Instruction for student registration on the platform

Video 2 - Instructions for receiving training materials on the electronic platform 

Video 3 - Instructions on how to receive and upload orders on the electronic platform

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