Project PRINTeL - II Working Meeting on Internal Teacher Training (TT) Courses at GTU

Project PRINTeL - II Working Meeting on Internal Teacher Training (TT) Courses at GTU


Project PRINTeL - II Working Meeting on Internal Teacher Training (TT) Courses at GTU

On January 30, at GTU International Relations and Standards Office was conducted the second working meeting related to the organization of internal Teacher Training (TT) courses at GTU within Erasmus+ project PRINTeL.

The participants of the meeting made the presentations about Training of Trainers courses undertaken at PRINTeL project European partner Universities. They shared knowledge and experience gained at advanced European HEIs within the project.

It was defined that TT course Syllabuses in Georgian and in English will be finalized by 10 of February and timetables of these courses will be specified by the next meeting that is planned on 6 of February at GTU International Relations and Standards Office.

Participants of the meeting discussed the requirements for the participation in internal TT courses (such as knowledge of the English language – min. B1 level, knowledge of Power Point programme, smartphones and laptops, etc.).
Herewith at the meeting was considered the issue to create demo version of Moodle learning platform (with domain - DlfP.gtu.ge) for the internal TT courses for Professor-teachers at GTU within project PRINTeL.

At the meeting were discussed the issues related to the needs and other organizational issues for internal TT courses as well.

It should be noted that during the meeting was suggested and considered the opportunity to develop some training courses based on the upcoming internal TT courses materials to conduct further training courses and thus to maintain sustainability of the activities implemented within the project PRINTeL.

For further information on the Project PRINTeL (Project PRINTel – “Change in Classroom: Promoting Innovative Teaching and Learning to Enhance Student Learning Experience in Eastern Partnership Countries”), visit the official website of the Project PRINTel and the website of GTU International Relations and Standards Office.


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