Online Registration

Online Registration

How To Apply

In case an applicant applies for BA program the following documents are required: passport and complete general education certificate along with its supplement/transcript (notarized translation of thereof).

In case an applicant applies for MA program the following documents are required: passport and University Diploma along with its supplement/transcript (notarized translation of thereof).

In case an applicant applies for the program of Desing/architecture conducted in English language, Portfolio and Motivation letter are required.

In case an applicant applies for a program conducted in English/Russian language, English/Russian language certificate is required of B1 level (unless the applicant’s diploma indicates that the studies were conducted in English/Russian language)

In case an applicant is under 18, additional documents are required to be uploaded during the online registration: 1. Copy of Birth certificate (notarized translation of thereof); 2. Copy of passport of one of the parents (notarized translation of thereof).

Tution Fees

On Amendments to the Resolution # 01-05-04/253 of the GTU Academic Council, dated September

20, 2018 "On Determining Tuition Fees for Students of GTU"

In accordance with Article 63 of General Administrative Code of Georgia, Article 21, paragraph “R” of the Law of Georgia “On higher education”, Article 8, paragraph “Z” of the University Charter approved by Order №133/N of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, dated September 9, 2013, “On approval of the Charter of the Legal Entity of Public Law – Georgian Technical University”, and on the basis of the Protocol №01-05-04/31 of the Academic Council, dated November 8, 2021, the Academic Council of the Georgian Technical University has established the following:

  1. To make amendments to the Resolution # 01-05-04/253 of the GTU Academic Council, dated September 20, 2018 "On determining tuition fees for students of GTU" and formulate the first, second, third and fourth paragraphs of the Resolution as follows:

“1. One-year (60 ECTS credits) tuition fee for persons enrolled in bachelor's and master's degree programs on the basis of an individual administrative-legal act of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, in accordance with the Unified National Examinations / General Master's Examinations, as well as the Law of Georgia on Higher Education (except for the persons referred to in paragraph 2 of this Resolution) is set at the amount of GEL 2,250 (two thousand two hundred and fifty).

  1. The tuition fees for persons enrolled in the undergraduate and postgraduate educational programs of the University on the basis of Article 52, paragraph 3 and Article 521, paragraph 7 of the Law of Georgia on Higher Education, as well as of Order #224 of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, dated December 29, 2011 "On  Approval of the Procedure for Submission and Review of Documents by Entrants / Master Candidates / Students with the Right to Study in the Higher Education Institution without Passing the Unified National Examinations / General Master's Examinations" shall be determined as follows:
Instruction Language Undergraduate Program Postgraduate Program
Georgian GEL 4500 GEL 4500
Russian GEL 5500 GEL 5500
English GEL 12500 GEL 12500
Georgian Language Preparatory Educational Program GEL 3500


  1. Tuition fees for doctoral programs should be set at the following amount:
  1. For a person with Georgian citizenship, a person with foreign citizenship or without statehood:
    1. for the Georgian language program - 5000 GEL;
    2. for the Russian language program - 8000 GEL;
    3. for English language program - 12500 GEL;

4. 15% of the annual tuition fee paid by a student may be paid to the recruiting agent / agency to attract entrants.”

  1. The resolution is valid for students enrolled, reinstated or transferred from the second semester of the 2021/2022 academic year.
  2. The resolution should be submitted to the GTU Board of Representatives (Senate) for approval.
  3. The resolution should be published on the university's website and provided to the interested persons by the Case Management Department.
  4. The Resolution can be appealed within 1 month after its publication in the Administrative Cases Panel of the Tbilisi City Court, located at: Tbilisi, Davit Agmashenebeli Alley, 12th km, №64.


Download Application Form

Download Application Form in English
Download Application Form in Russian

Registration Fee

GTU service fee. For a total of $ 300, this amount must be credited to the following account

ACC: 021087992 GEORG

Beneficiary’s bank:

Beneficiary: LEPT GEORGIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (val code: 799780082)
IBAN: GE65NB0331100001150207


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