International School of Design

English-language Programmes

Design (English-language, accredited)

Paid programme

Tuition fee - 2250 GEL

Programme capacity - 240 credits

Qualification to be granted - Bachelor of Arts in Design

Teaching language - English

The programme provides students with a thorough knowledge of the social, cultural, economic, and political factors around design.

Third obligatory subject for admission to the programme - Mathematics, History or Arts

Foreign language: English

Architecture (English-language, Accredited)

Paid programme

Tuition fee - 2250 GEL

Programme capacity - 240 credits

Qualification to be granted – Bachelor of Design

Teaching language – English

Program Objectives

  1. To prepare a competitive, practical work-oriented architect with competencies that are in compliance with international and local requirements, and who will have: High sense of civic consciousness, creative activity, and spatial thinking; the knowledge of basics of architecture, its essence, regularities of development, key principles and methods of design, modern technologies, architectural and construction norms, rules, and legislative demands;
  2. To develop student decision-making skills, ability to share best practices in the field of architecture, skills of professional communication in English, critical analyzes of problems related to the field and drawing the proper conclusions; Who will have general and sectoral competencies that ensure competitiveness in the architectural services market;

Third obligatory subject for admission to the programme - Mathematics, History or Arts

Foreign language: English

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