GTU Held an Evening in Memory of the Famous Scientist and Teacher, Professor Gogi Chirakadze

GTU Held an Evening in Memory of the Famous Scientist and Teacher, Professor Gogi Chirakadze


GTU Held an Evening in Memory of the Famous Scientist and Teacher, Professor Gogi Chirakadze

GTU Held an Evening in Memory of the Famous Scientist and Teacher, Professor Gogi Chirakadze
The Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy organized an evening at Georgian Technical University dedicated to the memory of the famous scientist, teacher, and public figure Professor Giorgi (Gogi) Chirakadze.

The universally recognized chemist would have turned 90. From 1981 until his death, he headed the Department of Organic Chemistry at Georgian Technical University. 

The evening in memory of Professor Gogi Chirakadze, which was attended by the scientific and academic circles of the Georgian Technical University, representatives of the university administration, students, as well as family members, friends, colleagues, and pupils of the scientist, was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy. Professor Liana Targamadze spoke about the research and pedagogical activities of the famous scientist.

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“The contribution of this outstanding scientist, teacher, and great personality of the last century with versatile interests to the university and the country is truly invaluable. Professor Gogi Chirakadze chose one of the most difficult scientific directions - studying the radiation and photo transformation of organosulfur compounds. He was the first to study the short-lived particles of radiolysis products and the kinetics of their formation, investigated the nature and properties of the resulting substances, and based on his research, he established the mechanism of chemical protection from ionizing radiation during liquid-phase radiolysis and developed preparative methods for the synthesis of aliphatic and cyclic disulfides and sulfides, alkane sulfonic acids, and thiocyanic acid, which are characterized by high yield and purity.

One of Mr. Gogi’s greatest achievements is to interest talented young generations in organic chemistry and attract them to the Department of Organic Chemistry at the university. With young people, he began a new series of scientific research in organic element compounds and azo compounds. Under his leadership, it became possible to synthesize compounds containing saturated heterocyclic fragments, first organosilicon compounds were successfully synthesized, and then new silicon-containing azo compounds based on them were synthesized. It is noteworthy that the introduction of a silicon atom into the azo compound molecule significantly improved the resistance of the latter to light and wet processing.

Later, Gogi Chirakadze became interested in the new field of organic synthesis - interphase catalysis. And under his leadership, a completely new methodology for the synthesis of azo dyes was developed. In addition, his research concerned the synthesis of dyes with special optical properties and the study of their chemical, physical, and optical properties. Based on these studies became possible to obtain polychromophoric dyes.

Gogi Chirakadze’s contribution as an excellent teacher is invaluable. He educated many generations of researchers and teachers. His students, friends, and colleagues still recall with admiration the enthusiasm with which the great scientist was engaged in educating the younger generation and popularizing chemistry among schoolchildren and students.

The Georgian Technical University, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy will always remember with great love the famous scientist and teacher, Professor Gogi Chirakadze, who selflessly served science until the last minute of his life, loved his work, department, colleagues, and students. We will always remember a person, a philanthropist, highly sophisticated, with broad erudition and an unparalleled ability to perceive the surrounding world, a person who turned routine relationships into a celebration,” noted Liana Targamadze.

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The evening was hosted by students of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy: Giorgi Kotorashvili, a doctoral student of the Chemistry Educational Program, and Ilona Shekiladze, a bachelor.

In the evening, academicians of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences: Giorgi Kvesitadze, Ramaz Gakhokidze, Ramaz Katsarava, academician of the Engineering Academy David Gventsadze, professor of the faculty Nazi Kutsiava, head of the Department of Chemistry, professor Maia Tsintsadze, friends and colleagues of the scientist - professors: Shukri Japaridze, Vano Chiaureli, and chief scientist of the Rafiel Agladze Institute of Electrochemistry and Inorganic Chemistry Guliko Natroshvili spoke about the scientific merits of Professor Gogi Chirakadze.

Doctor of Pedagogy Irina Gogonaia, Professors: Zurab Geliashvili, and Elizbar Elizbarashvili presented their memories of Gogi Chirakadze’s pedagogical activities.

As was noted, the famous chemist, along with science, was immensely passionate about art - music, theater, and painting. A unique archival audio recording of Gogi Chirakadze’s voice was played at the memorial evening.

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