Central Election Commission for Self-Government Elections

Central Election Commission for Self-Government Elections


Central Election Commission for Self-Government Elections

Central Election Commission for Self-Government Elections
The Student Self-Government Board of the Georgian Technical University, according to Article 45 of the Law of Georgia “On Higher Education”, Article 42 of the Charter of the Georgian Technical University, a legal entity of public law, approved by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia No. 133/n of September 9th, 2013, and Article 8, Paragraph 6 of the Student Self-Government Regulations of the Georgian Technical University, has determined: To approve the Central Election Commission for the Student Self-Government Elections scheduled for December 20, 2024, with the following composition:

1. Liana Targamadze - Chairman of the Commission. Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, GTU.

2. Boris Githolendia - Deputy Chairman. Dean of the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering, GTU.

3. Salome Gumberidze - Secretary of the Commission. GTU Department of Student Services, Culture and Sports. Coordinator of Student Projects.

4. Demetre Janjalashvili - Member of the Commission. Doctoral student of the Faculty of Construction.

5. Nikoloz Revishvili - Member of the Commission. Student of the Faculty of Engineering Economics, Media Technologies and Social Sciences.

Election Regulations of the Student Self-Government of the Georgian Technical University.

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