A farewell event for graduates was held at the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering

A farewell event for graduates was held at the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering


A farewell event for graduates was held at the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering

A farewell event for graduates was held at the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering
A graduation event was organized at the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering of the Georgian Technical University.

88 students finished the 2023-2024 academic year of the Faculty of Transportation, Industrial Engineering and Technology, Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Logistics, Food Processing and Refrigeration Technology, Entrepreneurial Business Organization and Management, as well as Aviation Engineering Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate educational programs.

The dean, Associate professor Boris Githolendia, congratulated the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering graduates on entering a new arena of life and wished the young people success.


“Transportation systems and mechanical engineering are powerful tools revolutionizing the state industry and this field requires personnel with the relevant qualifications.

The Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering has been training specialists since 1928. Today, the faculty carries out multidisciplinary educational programs focused on Georgian and European academic standards, including those having no analogs in Georgia, and most importantly, the faculty provides the training of personnel with the highest international level qualifications at various levels of education. Along with the Georgian programs, the faculty also offers an English-language program of mechanical engineering program, where students from foreign countries study.

Since its establishment, the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering has graduated several representatives of different generations known to the public, who worked and are still working in various fields in our country and internationally. We are proud of our students and graduates. We believe that the faculty worthily continues the path traced by the scientists who laid the foundation for this significant direction. It is gratifying that 88 graduates of the 2023-2024 academic years in the future are planning career advancement in the direction of profession and science”, - noted Boris Githolendia in his speech.

At the end of the event, the administration of the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering and the partner business organizations of the Georgian Technical University organized a joint “Promo exhibition”, where they presented current job vacancies to employ the graduates. 

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