The meeting was attended by vice-rectors of Georgian Technical University - professors Tamar Lominadze and Tamar Tsereteli, Chancellor, Professor Karlo Kopaliani, President of the Supervisory Board of GTU, Professor Zurab Gudavadze, Rector Advisor Konstantine Basilashvili, representatives of the GTU administration and the Embassy representatives of Turkmenistan.
David Gurgenidze congratulated Dovletmirat Seitmamedov on his appointment as ambassador and wished him success in deepening Georgian-Turkmen relations.
The rector introduced the Ambassador of Turkmenistan to the history of Georgian Technical University, talked about the ongoing educational and scientific processes at the university, as well as the contacts and scientific collaborations that connect the Georgian Higher Engineering and Technology School with the world’s leading universities and the hugest international research organizations.
The parties discussed the possibilities of future cooperation with Georgian Technical University and the higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan, and the implementation of joint educational and research projects and exchange programs for students and academic staff.
“It is important for our university that in the process of rapprochement and reconciliation of visions between Georgia and Turkmenistan, the integration of the scientific and educational spaces of the two countries is actively considered as one of the strategic directions. Georgian Technical University is interested in cooperation with universities and scientific centers of Turkmenistan, taking into account that our scientists, within the framework of global collaborations, successfully implement international projects with the leading universities of Europe, America, and Asia, the hugest scientific centers and organizations of the world, such as CERN in Switzerland, KEK and J-PARC in Japan, Fermilab in the United States of America, Jülich Research Center in Germany, etc.
Georgian Technical University is ready to deepen cooperation with the leading universities of Turkmenistan, in the direction of developing joint scientific-research projects and joint educational programs, both in the engineering-technical and technological and humanitarian fields. In addition, within the framework of exchange programs, we will gladly host Turkmen youth who will receive an education by the European standard at Georgian Technical University, will have access to modern educational infrastructure, and will get the opportunity to develop practical knowledge and skills in education and research laboratories equipped with the latest equipment. We are sure that the scientific-educational collaboration between Georgia and Turkmenistan will become much deeper and multifaceted in the future”, - noted the rector, David Gurgenidze.
Ambassador Dovletmirat Seitmamedov provided the Georgian side with information about higher education, science, and the opportunities of Turkmenistan’s universities. The ambassador talked about the current issues for the two countries in the field of education and introduced to the rector the priority directions of Turkmenistan in the engineering and technological fields.
At the end of the meeting, the Rector of Georgian Technical University and the Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Georgia expressed their full readiness to deepen relations in many ways.
After the meeting, the Ambassador of Turkmenistan inspected the rare collections kept in the university library of Niko Muskhelishvili.