Citation Databases


Scopus is a premier abstract and citation database covering scientific research for searching, monitoring, analyzing, and visualizing bibliometric mechanisms. The database includes over 22,800 peer-reviewed journals from more than 5,000 international publishers, covering fundamental, interdisciplinary, educational, technical, medical, and humanities fields. Scopus contains records from 1788 onwards and over 1.4 billion cited references since 1970.

Web of Science

Web of Science, owned by American corporation Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thompson Reuters until 2016), is a search platform that combines scientific publication and patent citation databases, encompassing inter-cited materials. Web of Science covers the broadest range of scientific, technical, social, humanities, and cultural spheres. It offers capabilities for searching, statistical analysis, and managing bibliographic information.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is Google's freely accessible search engine for scholarly publications and theses worldwide. The system has been operational since November 2004.

Search results from Google Scholar generate full-text journal articles, technical reports, preprints, dissertations, books, and other documents within the "scholarly" category, linked with references (via links to other documents).

Google Scholar displays bibliographic descriptions in the form of article links, enabling users to utilize author citation indexes for various indices included in its database.

Authors must create a personal profile for the correct functioning of the citation indexing apparatus of Google Scholar.

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