Transportation Systems and Mechanical Engineering

Georgian language programmes

Priority programme

Programme capacity - 240 credits

Qualification to be granted - Bachelor of Transport Engineering

Teaching language - Georgian

The aim of the programme is to prepare a professional with significant theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of transport to participate in the process of detecting defects in land vehicles (road, railway);

give the graduate the ability to maintain, repair, and service ground vehicles in accordance with the set processes and instructions, taking into account the principles of labour, traffic, and environmental safety;

putting into consideration the country's transport priorities and the demands of the labour market, in order to establish a strong basis for the graduate's advancement to the next degree and ongoing professional development.

Third obligatory subject for admission to the programme - Physics or Mathematics

Foreign language: French, English, German, Russian

Priority programme

Programme capacity - 240 credits

Qualification to be granted - Bachelor of Industrial Engineering and Technology

Teaching language - Georgian

The programme aims to provide graduates with theoretical understanding and practical abilities in industrial engineering and technology, while also taking into account the demands of the labour market and the country's top industries:

Aim 1. carrying out industrial technological procedures while adhering to the safety standards for workers, the environment, and life;
Aim 2. take part in industrial enterprise planning and monitoring while keeping industrial development in mind;

Aim 3. the performance of operation and repair work of machinery and equipment of technological processes.

Third obligatory subject for admission to the programme: Mathematics or Chemistry

Foreign language: French, English, German, Russian

Priority programme

Programme capacity - 240 credits

Teaching language - Georgian

Qualification to be granted - Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering and Technology

The aim of the educational programme is to prepare bachelor in the field of mechanical engineering and technology, who are competitive in the local and international labour market in compliance with the mission of Georgian Technical University, based on relevant knowledge and practical abilities, will implement the creation of machines, devices, and individual products of various functional purposes for all fields of production, as well as the development of production technologies.

Third obligatory subject for admission to the programme - Physics or Mathematics

Foreign language: French, English, German, Russian

Paid programme

Tuition fee - 2250 GEL

Programme capacity - 240 credits

Qualification to be granted - Bachelor of Engineering in Food Technology

Teaching language - Georgian

The programme aims to prepare a competitive, highly qualified bachelor of engineering in food technology with theoretical knowledge and practical abilities for a labour market who will be aware of how to manage the technological processes of food and beverage processing and packaging per safety and quality requirements, as well as the selection of technology used in cold storage and distribution in modern technological processes, design, and operation.

Third obligatory subject for admission to the programme - Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or History

Foreign language: French, English, German, Russian

Paid programme

Tuition fee - 2250 GEL

Programme capacity - 240 credits

Qualification to be granted - Bachelor of Engineering Logistics

Teaching language - Georgian

The aim of the programme - The Bachelor's programme, which is aligned with the mission, goals, and strategy of the HEIs and faculty, as well as the requirements of the local labour market and international market trends, is aimed at preparing "engineering logistics" bachelors who will contribute within the scope of their competence:
Aim 1. In the execution of the fundamental principles of logistics in the production;
Aim 2. In the preparation of internal transport processes;
Aim 3. In discovering logistical challenges and finding solutions to them;
Aim 4. In the development and operation of transport and logistics systems;
Aim 5. In the development and management of warehouse systems;
Aim 6. In the collecting of technical and economic data of warehouse and distribution centres, as well as the analysis of situations;
Aim 7. In the calculation of investments and operational costs;
Aim 8. In the planning and execution of logistical processes.

Third obligatory subject for admission to the programme - Mathematics

Foreign language: French, English, German, Russian

Paid programme

Tuition fee - 2250 GEL

Programme capacity - 240 credits

Qualification to be granted - Bachelor of Business Administration in Management

Teaching language - Georgian

The aim of the programme - The aim of the educational programme is to prepare a specialist with extensive knowledge of competitive theoretical and practical entrepreneurial business who, taking into account the peculiarities of the field, will be able to participate in the activities, planning, management, work, and operation of organisations and institutions related to entrepreneurship. In the evaluation of socio-economic processes, the implementation of the management of their constituent structural units, and the management of innovative processes in business activities.

Third obligatory subject for admission to the programme - Mathematics or History

Foreign language: French, English, German, Russian

Programme capacity - 240 credits

Qualification to be granted - Bachelor of Aviation Engineering

Direction - Engineering

Tuition fee - 2250 GEL

Third obligatory subject for admission to the programme - Physics or Mathematics

Foreign language: French, English, German, Russian

Teaching language - Georgian

The aim of this programme is to prepare a bachelor of Engineering in aviation engineering. They will be prepared to participate in the design, construction, production, and maintenance of aircraft while taking into account current engineering technologies, industry trends, safety standards, and environmental requirements. All of this will be done in accordance with the aviation engineering field's development trends.

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