Collection of works of the Faculty of Informatics: “Automated Management Systems”
G. Surguladze
- Information society and didactics of informatics G. Surguladze, S. Papavadze, O. Machaladze
- The Information Society: Publisher Marketing and Machine Learning G. Surguladze, D. Gogshelidze, G. Dalakishvili
- Application programming and data management - G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
- The Fundamentals of Software Engineering G. Surguladze, E. Turkia, M. Bitarashvili
- Development of software products (WPF, C#.NET, XAML, Azure SQL) G. Surguladze, N. Topuria, A. Berulava
- Computer Vision Part II O. Tavdishvili
- Object-oriented programming based on C++ language G. Djanelidze, T. Mefarishvili, I. Apciauri
- Python programming language G. Djanelidze
- Information Society and Interdisciplinary Learning based on Digital Technologies G. Chogovadze, G. Surguladze, N. Topuria, M. Kharitonashvili
- Virtual modeling system PROTEUS VSM (basics) Z. Jojua
- The Fundamentals of Management Engineering V. Sesadze G. Chikadze
- Software development of corporate management systems (WCF/WPF, SOA) G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
- Arduino Z. Tabatadze, T. Todua
- Informatics – “Software Engineering” G. Surguladze, E. Turkia
- Programming in TIA Portal J. Grigalashvili
- The fundamentals of mobile application development (Java, Android) G. Surguladze, G. Kakashvili, G. Martiashvili
- A collection of projects in controllers J. Grigalashvili
- Construction of information systems supporting logistics management G. Surguladze, G. Surguladze, I. Karkashadze, A. Mchedlishvili
- Modern technologies of education and didactics of informaticsG. Chachanidze
- APPLIED BIOPHYSICS (Biophysics for Engineers) Paata J. Kervalishvili
- Quality management of software applications: testing and optimization G. Chogovadze, G. Surguladze, M. Gulitashvili, S. Dolidze
- Unified Modeling Language (UML2) and Unified Process of Software System Development (UP) T. Sukhiashvili
- Visual programming based on the C# language for information systems (on the MS Visual Studio.NET 2019 platform) G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
- Computer programming methods and methodologies (SP, OOP, VP, Agile, UML) G. Surguladze
- Projecting of microprocessor systems part 2 O. Kartvelishvili, S. Khoshtaria
- Web programming - PHP (theory and practice) T. Sturua, G. Kuchava
- Building software applications under virtualization G. Surguladze, D. Gulua, B. Kakheli
- User interface programming (AngularJS, ReactJS) G. Surguladze, S. Dolidze
- Black Sea ecological monitoring and research information system G. Surguladze, N. Topuria, A. Gavardashvili
- Virtual reality and modern information technologies G. Surguladze, D. Tsatsishvili
- Programming for Windows (based on C# language) R. Samkharadze, L. Gachechiladze
- Python programming language G. Djanelidze
- Development of the software system using the IBM Rational Rose tool T. Sukhiashvili
- Web interface developer E. Chickashua, N. Elizbarashvili, Z. Dolidze, G. Kevlishvili
- Physics of semiconductors L. Glurjidze, A. Gigineishvili
- Laboratory works in Matlab L. Beridze, N. Katchakhidze, N. Khomeriki
- Unified Modeling Language (UML) practical object-oriented analysis and design T. Sukhiashvili
- Automation of document circulation and management tasks N. Topuria
- Programming in C++ language R. Samkharadze, L. Gachechiladze
- Modern data management technologies (Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, Hadoop) L. Petriashvili, G. Surguladze
- Mathematical foundations of the theory of fuzzy sets: fuzzy algorithms M. Akhobadze
Modern technologies for designing web applications G. Ghvinepadze
Let’s talk with short text messages, i.e. “the language of cryptography”KRIPTO.rar V.Kekelia
Physics, lecture notes of the four-semester course of GTU
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV
L. Glurdjidze, A. Gigineishvili
- Methodological guidelines for performing laboratory work in the subject: of programming. NET environment R. Samkharadze, N. Djodjua, L. Gachechiladze
- Methodological instructions for performing laboratory work in the subject: project in databases R. Samkharadze, N. Djodjua, L. Gachechiladze
- Methodological guidelines for performing laboratory works in the subject: Transact-SQL language 2 2 (Part II) R. Samkharadze, N. Djodjua, L. Gachechiladze
- Methodological guidelines for performing laboratory works in the subject: Transact-SQL language 1 (Part I) - R. Samkharadze, N. Djodjua, L. Gachechiladze, M. Kurdadze
- Statistical processing of data based on STATISTICA systems E. Kubaneishvili
- Medical - computer diagnostic methods - E. Kubaneishvili
- Mathematicians at the Georgian Polytechnic Institute (1917 - 2014) - L. Beridze
- Modeling business processes with Petri nets - G. Surguladze, D. Gulua, E. Turkia
- The Development of web applications based on databases (ASP.NET, ADO.NET, C#) G. Surguladze, E. Turkia, I. Bulia
- Designing information systems T. Sturua
- Construction of information systems with multimedia databases K. Meyer-Wegener, G. Surguladze, G. Basiladze
- International experience in information systems management (BSI, ITIL, COBIT) G. Surguladze, B. Urushadze
- The Fundamentals of automation of management processes D. Meparishvili, T. Sherozia, G. Nareshelashvili, Kh. Christesiashvili
- Automatic systems of small business management Sh. Makarov, I. Natsvlishvili
- Web page design (HTML) ქ. Q. Nanobashvili, T. Sturua, M. Dolidze
- Designing web pages using HTML language ქ. Q. Nanobashvili, T. Sturua, M. Dolidze
- Designing web scenarios using JavaScript language ე. E. Asabashvili, T. Sturua, Z. Tsveraidze
- Virtual modeling in LabVIEW space N. Abelashvili
- Diagnostics of technical systems N. Abelashvili
- Computer Vision (Part I) O. Tavdishvili
- Computer graphics and visualization (Part II) - M. Tushishvili, Q. Avalishvili
Banking information systems
Part I - The Fundamentals of Banking Business M. Tevdoradze, N. Lolashvili
Part II - Banking information technologies and systems M. Tevdoradze, N. Lolashvili
- Business process management models
Part I - Mathematical models of management M. Tevdoradze, N. Patiashvili, N. Lolashvili, N. Lominadze, T. Lominadze, T. Kaishauri
Part II - Securities and related mathematical models M. Tevdoradze, N. Lolashvili, M. Saltkhutsishvili, N. Lominadze, T. Lominadze, T. Kaishauri, N. Davitaya
- Computer accounting M. Tevdoradze, N. Lolashvili
- Operations research G. Nareshelashvili, I. Kartvelishvili
- Artificial neural networks R. Chogovadze, R. Khurodze
- Artificial neural networks in medicine - E. Kubaneishvili
- Elements of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics G. Pantsulaia, Z. Kvatadze G. Giorgadze
- WEB-programming WEB 2.0, XML, AJAX G. Ghvinepadze
- Biomedical Engineering I. Gotsiridze
- The Fundamentals of Computer Architecture and Organization A. Benashvili, O. Kartvelishvili, G. Benashvili
- Computer graphics and visualization 1 part 1 ნაწილი M. Tushishvili, Q. Avalishvili
- Medical expert systems E. Kubaneishvili
- Biostatistics E. Kubaneishvili
- Digital processing of biosignals E. Kubaneishvili
- The Fundamentals of software application development G. Surguladze, M. Bitarashvili, Kh. Christesiashvili
- Tools for object-oriented design and modeling of automated management systems (MsVisio, WinPepsy, PetNet, CPN) G. Gogichaishvili, G. Bolkhi, G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
- Modeling of business processes K.I. Kachiashvili
- About automation of technological processes of production of beverages and products – Dj. Grigalashvili
Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4
- Practical electronic devices in modern automation Dj. Grigalashvili
- Conspectus of lectures (collection) Dj. Grigalashvili
- CASE tools for software system processing - T. Sukhiashvili
- WEB-programming HTML 5 G. Ghvinepadze
- Integration and design of corporate Web-applications G. Surguladze, I. Bulia
- Object-oriented analysis and design of systems G. Gogichaishvili, T. Sukhiashvili
- Methodological instructions for laboratory works “Introduction to information technologies” I. Gotsiriridze, M. Meskhya
- Medical engineering laboratory systems G. Gigilashvili, I. Gotsiridze, Z. Mgaloblishvili. Z. Ghurtskaya, M. Tsiklauri
- The Fundamentals of Visual Programming VISUAL BASIC Z. Ghurtskaya M. Meskhia
- Mathematical modeling course, volume 1 T. Obgadze
- Mathematical modeling course, volume 2 T. Obgadze, L. Obgadze, N. Mchedlishvili, I. Davitashvili, N. Tushishvili
- Mathematical modeling course, volume 3 T. Obgadze
- Mathematical modeling course, volume 4 T. Obgadze
- Mathematical modeling course, volume 5 T. Obgadze, N. Bichenova
- Automatic driving models. Statistical models K. Kachiashvili
- Information technologies text editor (MS Word - 2007) ) გ. გოგიჩაიშვილი, G. Gogichaishvili, T. Sherozia, L. Petriashvili, M. Kashibadze, M. Okhanashvili
- The Fundamentals of Biosignals processing A. Faghava
- Biomedical Engineering I. Gotsiridze
- Product quality audit and expertise in the customs system Nodar Abelashvili
- Face discernment methods E. Kubaneishvili
- Biometry E . Kubaneishvili
- The Fundamentals of wavelet-transformation E. Kubaneishvili
- Automatic accounting system Q. Nanobashvili
- Web-technologies (MACROMEDIA DREAMWEAVER) Q. Nanobashvili, V. Takashvili, F. Paatashvili
- Mathematics for economists, part I, part II Q. Skvitaridze, G. Karseladze, I. Sigua, E. Elerdashvili, M. Khmiadashvili, Z. Tediashvili
- Automatic control models, Logical and graphical models G. Gogichaishvili, G. Chachanidze, Q. Nanobashvili
- Small business management Sh. Makarov, I. Natsvlishvili
- Samples of test tasks in general physics A. Gigineishvili, M. Taktakishvili, M. Tsirekidze, T. Bzhalava
- Linear Algebra Elements of Applied Algebra Part II D. Natroshvili, G. Samsonadze, R. Bitsadze, M. Shubladze
- Linear Algebra Elements of Applied Algebra Part I D. Natroshvili, G. Samsonadze, M. Shubladze
- Methodological instructions for performing laboratory and practical work in GPSS WORLD A. Frangishvili, Z. Gasitashvili, I. Abuladze, V. Tsverava
- Laboratory works in VBA language I. Abuladze
- Decision-making supporting methods and models in expert evaluations of business programs A. Frangishvili, G. Surguladze, I. Vacharadze
- Modeling and designing of e-business and e-commerce systems E. Turkia
- Building web applications based on ASP.NET & C# packages G. Surguladze, I. Bulia, E. Turkia (Laboratory Practitioner’s Guide)
- Unified and imitative modeling of marketing business processes G. Surguladze, M. Okhanashvili, G. Surguladze
- Management of information resources in organizational systems G. Surguladze, M. Kashibadze
- Realization of the software based on the Rational Rose tool G. Gogichaishvili, E. Turkia
- Internet business E. Turkia, I. Dzmanashvili
- Management of intellectual resources in corporate systems M. Giutashvili, E. Turkia
- Desktop applications for managers N. Topuria, E. Turkia, T. Lominadze
- Construction of information security systems using the technologies of MICROSOFT corporation O. Shonia, N. Topuria, G. Maisuradze
- Computer Architecture O. Gabedava
- Computer Architecture O. Gabedava
- WEB-technologies HTML Part I Tea Todua, Lasha Verulava
- WEB-programming PHP G. Ghvinepadze
- Solving elementary geometric problems by non-standard methods G. Fansulaya, G. Giorgadze, A. Kvaliashvili
- “The Praise” and sciences G. Ghvinepadze
- Elements of Probability Theory G. Pantsulaia
- Elements of Probability Theory G. Pantsulaia
- WEB-programming XML, databases, and the Internet G. Ghvinepadze
- Collection of tasks for C# learners T. Bakhtadze
- Windows Network Operating Systems Part I G. Ghvinepadze
- Computer mathematics I.Dj. Dochviri
- WEB-programming HTML G. Ghvinepadze
- WEB-programming JavaScript G. Ghvinepadze
- WEB-programming X M L G. Ghvinepadze
- Scientific foundations of administrative-state management B. Shanshiashvili
- Probability theory and mathematical statistics G. Fantsulaya, Z.Kvatadze, G.Giorgadze
- Economics of metrology (the list of lectures) I. Zedginidze
- “Metrology, standardization, and certification” I. Zedginidze
- Production Quality Control (the list of lectures) I. G. Zedgenidze and R.M Zhvania
- “Total quality management” I. Zedginidze
- “Quality management” I. Zedginidze, M. Baliashvili, Sh. Djaparidze
- “Certification” M. Baliashvili, T. Menabde
- “The Theory of Standardization” I. Zedginidze, M. Baliashvili
- Programming language Pascal Inga Abuladze
- Object-oriented programming language C# Tengiz Bakhtadze
- Medical Informatics Irine Gotsiridze
- Web Design HTML & JAVASCRIPT M. Kiknadze, E. Chickashua, T. Kaishauri, T. Zhvania, L. Petriashvili
- Designing WEB pages I. Mikadze, N. Arabuli, M. Kiknadze
- Simulation modeling in MATLAB Simulink N. Mchedlishvili, V. Sesadze, V. Kekenadze, G. Chikadze
- Computer modeling system Matlab N. Mchedlishvili, V. Sesadze, V. Kekenadze, G. Chikadze
- Interfaces of peripheral devices A. Benashvili
- WEB-technologies HTML (Part I) Tea Todua, Lasha Verulava
- Creating a database in Microsoft Access Z. Tsveraidze, T. Chkuaseli, E. Rochikashvili
- Routing algorithms in computer networks O.M. Kartvelishvili, M.O. Kartvelishvili
- The object-oriented programming language C++ G. Surguladze
- Database management systems (InterBase) G. Surguladze, L. Kvavadze
- The Fundamentals of Programming (based on C language) G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
- The Fundamentals of Programming (based on C language, part II) G. Surguladze
- Database management systems (MS SQL Server) G. Surguladze, O. Shonia, L. Kvavadze
- Database desktop systems - Gia Surguladze, Maya Okhanashvili
- Software platforms (operating systems: MS Windows, Unix, Linux) Gia Surguladze, Nino Topuria, Giorgi Surguladze
- Database management systems (Oracle) G. Surguladze, L. Kvavadze
- Automatic control models: Petri nets G. Gogichaishvili, G. Surguladze, D. Gulua, M. Kashibadze
- Structural programming method Gia Surguladze
- Programming methods for the Internet (based on JAVA-2 and XML languages) G. Surguladze, Mzia Kiknadze
- Methods and tools of visual modeling of automated control systems (UML, MS Visio) G. Surguladze, T. Sukhiashvili, G. Nareshelashvili
- Object-oriented method of programming Gia Surguladze
- Automatic management models: relational data model G. Gogichaishvili, G. Surguladze
- Object-oriented modeling with unified Petri nets PNML (Petri Net Markup Language) G. Surguladze, D. Gulua
- Application of Unified Petri Net for Modeling of Distributed Systems Gia Surguladze, Davit Gulua
- Computer networks (conspectus) G. Ghvinepadze
- Designing Internet and Internet Applications with DELPHI (Conspectus) G. Ghvinepadze
- Data warehouse for Internet business systems (Data Warehouse + OLAP) G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
- Algorithms for modeling and analysis of distributed system resource management process (Data Warehouse-Pet Net) G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
- Data warehouse software for distributed business systems (Data Warehouse-Soft) G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
- Visual programming methods and tools (UML, Borland-C++Builder) Gia Surguladze
- Introduction to Programming (in German) Klaus Meyer-Wegener, G. Surguladze
- The Fundamentals of programming-C/C++ (in German)-C/C++ (გერმანულად) კლაუს Klaus Meyer-Wegener, G. Surguladze
- Object-Oriented Modeling and Design (in German) Klaus Bothe, G. Surguladze
- Software package building technology with UML (in German) Klaus Bothe, G. Surguladze
- Visual programming methods and tools (interfaces and applications) SQL/QBE/BC++Builder Gia Surguladze, Teimuraz Dolidze
- Programming methods: methodical guide of the course project G. Surguladze
- Designing structures of database management systems: ORM/ERM, MS SQL Server G. Surguladze, N. Topuria, G. Meladze
- Database management systems: object-role modeling-ORM G. Surguladze, N. Topuria
- .NET technology (introduction, C#.NET, ADO.NET) G. Surguladze
- VisualC#.NET R. Samkharadze
- Visual- C++ - CLI-NET R. Samkharadze
- Computer Graphics Part I, Part II M. Tutishvili
- Information technologies - electronic tables G. Gogichaishvili, T. Sherozia, L. Petriashvili, M. Kashibadze, M. Okhanashvili
- Information technologies - electronic presentations G. Gogichaishvili, T. Sherozia, L. Petriashvili, M. Kashibadze, M. Okhanashvili
- Introduction to Computer Technologies (Part II) E. Chickashua, Sh. Demurashvili, A. Davitashvili
- The Fundamentals of object-oriented programming. Java. Part I - Authors: Davit Kapanadze, Taliko Zhvania
- The Fundamentals of object-oriented programming. Java. Part II - authors: Davit Kapanadze, Taliko Zhvania
- Information protection in computer networks Author: Teimuraz Sharashidze
- Methodical instruction for performing laboratory work in the subject “Microprocessor systems” Authors: O. Kartvelishvili, C. Khoshtaria, S. Khoshtaria
- Microprocessor systems part I, microcontroller architecture Authors: O. Kartvelishvili, C. Khoshtaria, S. Khoshtaria
- Computer networks (part 1) -Authors: V. Adamia, N. Arabuli, Z. Tsiramua
- The Fundamentals of Cryptography Authors: T. Asatiani, T. Lominadze, N. Lominadze, R. Papiashvili
- The Fundamentals of Management Engineering - authors: V. Sesadze, G. Chikadze.
- Mathematics on the computer -Authors: G. Chikadze, V. Sesadze.
- The technology of building a network of automated workplaces of the corporation - Author: G. Surguladze.
- A collection of tests on the subject “Algorithmization Fundamentals and Programming Elements” - Authors: R. Samkharadze, L. Gachechiladze, M. Kurdadze, M. Kalabegishvili.
- Visual C#.NET- Authors: R. Samkharadze, L. Gachechiladze.
- Web-Technologies (W3.JS, Vue.JS, Kotlin)- Authors: G. Ghvinepadze, N. Chorkhauli
- Cryptography Basics- Authors: N. Lominadze, T. Asatiani, T. Lominadze, R. Papiashvili
- Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms (in Russian)- Authors: N. Beraia, L. Tokadze