

Collection of works of the Faculty of Informatics: “Automated Management Systems”  
G. Surguladze

  1. Information society and didactics of informatics G. Surguladze, S. Papavadze, O. Machaladze
  2. The Information Society: Publisher Marketing and Machine Learning G. Surguladze, D. Gogshelidze, G. Dalakishvili
  3. Application programming and data management - G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
  4. The Fundamentals of Software Engineering G. Surguladze, E. Turkia, M. Bitarashvili
  5. Development of software products (WPF, C#.NET, XAML, Azure SQL) G. Surguladze, N. Topuria, A. Berulava
  6. Computer Vision Part II O. Tavdishvili
  7. Object-oriented programming based on C++ language G. Djanelidze, T. Mefarishvili, I. Apciauri
  8. Python programming language G. Djanelidze
  9. Information Society and Interdisciplinary Learning based on Digital Technologies G. Chogovadze, G. Surguladze, N. Topuria, M. Kharitonashvili
  10. Virtual modeling system PROTEUS VSM (basics) Z. Jojua
  11. The Fundamentals of Management Engineering V. Sesadze G. Chikadze
  12. Software development of corporate management systems (WCF/WPF, SOA) G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
  13. Arduino Z. Tabatadze, T. Todua
  14. Informatics – “Software Engineering” G. Surguladze, E. Turkia
  15. Programming in TIA Portal  J. Grigalashvili 
  16. The fundamentals of mobile application development (Java, Android) G. Surguladze, G. Kakashvili, G. Martiashvili
  17. A collection of projects in controllers J. Grigalashvili
  18. Construction of information systems supporting logistics management G. Surguladze, G. Surguladze, I. Karkashadze, A. Mchedlishvili
  19. Modern technologies of education and didactics of informaticsG. Chachanidze
  20. APPLIED BIOPHYSICS (Biophysics for Engineers) Paata J. Kervalishvili
  21. Quality management of software applications: testing and optimization G. Chogovadze, G. Surguladze, M. Gulitashvili, S. Dolidze
  22. Unified Modeling Language (UML2) and Unified Process of Software System Development (UP) T. Sukhiashvili
  23. Visual programming based on the C# language for information systems (on the MS Visual Studio.NET 2019 platform) G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
  24. Computer programming methods and methodologies (SP, OOP, VP, Agile, UML) G. Surguladze
  25. Projecting of microprocessor systems part 2 O. Kartvelishvili, S. Khoshtaria
  26. Web programming - PHP (theory and practice) T. Sturua, G. Kuchava 
  27. Building software applications under virtualization G. Surguladze, D. Gulua, B. Kakheli
  28. User interface programming (AngularJS, ReactJS) G. Surguladze, S. Dolidze
  29. Black Sea ecological monitoring and research information system G. Surguladze, N. Topuria, A. Gavardashvili
  30. Virtual reality and modern information technologies G. Surguladze, D. Tsatsishvili
  31. Programming for Windows (based on C# language) R. Samkharadze, L. Gachechiladze
  32. Python programming language G. Djanelidze
  33. Development of the software system using the IBM Rational Rose tool T. Sukhiashvili
  34. Web interface developer E. Chickashua, N. Elizbarashvili, Z. Dolidze, G. Kevlishvili
  35. Physics of semiconductors L. Glurjidze, A. Gigineishvili
  36. Laboratory works in Matlab L. Beridze, N. Katchakhidze, N. Khomeriki
  37. Unified Modeling Language (UML) practical object-oriented analysis and design T. Sukhiashvili
  38. Automation of document circulation and management tasks N. Topuria
  39. Programming in C++ language R. Samkharadze, L. Gachechiladze
  40. Modern data management technologies (Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, Hadoop) L. Petriashvili, G. Surguladze
  41. Mathematical foundations of the theory of fuzzy sets: fuzzy algorithms M. Akhobadze
  42. Physical Materials Science T. Eterashvili
  43. The possibilities of HTML 5 L. Iashvili
  44. Visual programming (C#.NET, Workflow Foundation.NET) G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
  45. Help Guide for Testing in General Physics A. Gigineishvili, M. Tsirekidze, T. Bzhalava
  46. Corporate management systems programming technology: WPF.NET, SQL Server & UML G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili, M. Bitarashvili
  47. Modern technologies for designing web applications G. Ghvinepadze

  48. Hybrid technologies of management information systems programming and data management G. Chogovadze, A. Frangishvili, G. Surguladze
  49. Creative (effective) thinking methods G. Glurjidze, A. Gigineishvili
  50. Network architectures for business G. Surguladze, D. Gulua
  51. AngularJS G. Ghvinepadze 
  52. Introduction to NoSQL databases (MongoDB) G. Surguladze, G. Kiviladze
  53. The visual design of WEB sites Z. Tsveraidze, F. Paatashvili, R. Shamugia
  54. Web programming technology - PHP T. Sturua, B. Tabatadze, T. Todua
  55. Short course in general physics А.В. Gigineishvili, I.G. Kalandaze, G.G. Chikhladze
  56. Assignments and Tests of GTU Four Semester Physics CourseI. Papava, L. Glurjidze, A. Gigineishvili
  57. A course of lectures in general physics 
    Part I,  Part II, Part III. N. Maisuradze, M. Tsirekidze, M. Shengelia
  58. SQL Server  R. Samkharadze, L. Gachechiladze
  59. A set of tests in the subject “Transact-SQL language”  R. Samkharadze, L. Gachechiladze
  60. Multidimensional statistical methods in medicine (course of lectures) E. Kubaneishvili 
  61. Neural network technologies based on the STATISTICA system (practical) - E. Kubaneishvili, M. Meskhia
  62. MATLAB for students L. Beridze, R. Gogiberidze, N. Kachakhidze
  63. The Fundamentals of Software Systems Management G. Surguladze, E. Turkia 
  64. Symmetric System Methods and Models of Cryptography Part I V. Kekelia, G. Kotrikadze
  65. HTML5 & CSS3 T. Todua, T. Sturua, B. Tabatadze
  66. Object-oriented designing of systems T. Sukhiashvili
  67. Arduino visual programming in FLProg environment Dj. Grigalashvili
  68. Methodical instructions for studying Arduino Dj. Grigalashvili
  69. Software systems management G. Surguladze, E. Turkia
  70. Let’s talk with short text messages, i.e. “the language of cryptography”KRIPTO.rar  V.Kekelia
  71. Modeling and automation of organizational management business processes G. Surguladze, C. Pkhakadze, A. Kekenadze
  72. Modeling and research of production resource management business processes G. Surguladze, Kh. Christesiashvili, G. Surguladze
  73. Javascript and modern technologies developing its capabilities G. Ghvinepadze
  74. Introduction to the algorithmization of organizational management functions T. Sherozia, G. Nareshelashvili, V. Kekelia
  75. Elements of Descriptive Statistics, Probability Theory, and Mathematical Statistics T. Buadze
  76. Automatic design systems NI Multisim and NI Ultiboard M. Baliashvili, Z. Azmaiparashvili
  77. Windows development of corporate management systems: WPF technology G. Surguladze
  78. Windows development of corporate management systems: Workflow technology G. Surguladze
  79. Windows development of corporate management systems: WCF technology  G. Surguladze
  80. Web-applications testing, validation, and verification G. Surguladze, M. Gulitashvili, N. Kiviladze
  81. Elementary processing of experiment results Z. Djabua 
  82. The Mathematical Processing Methods of Practicum Experiment Results Z. Djabua 
  83. Physics, lecture notes of the four-semester course of GTU
    Part I,
    Part IIPart IIIPart IV
    L. Glurdjidze, A. Gigineishvili
  84. Methodological guidelines for performing laboratory work in the subject: of programming. NET environment R. Samkharadze, N. Djodjua, L. Gachechiladze
  85. Methodological instructions for performing laboratory work in the subject: project in databases R. Samkharadze, N. Djodjua, L. Gachechiladze
  86. Methodological guidelines for performing laboratory works in the subject: Transact-SQL language 2 2 (Part II) R. Samkharadze, N. Djodjua, L. Gachechiladze
  87. Methodological guidelines for performing laboratory works in the subject: Transact-SQL language 1  (Part I) - R. Samkharadze, N. Djodjua, L. Gachechiladze, M. Kurdadze
  88. Statistical processing of data based on STATISTICA systems  E. Kubaneishvili
  89. Medical - computer diagnostic methods - E. Kubaneishvili
  90. Mathematicians at the Georgian Polytechnic Institute (1917 - 2014)   - L. Beridze
  91. Modeling business processes with Petri nets  - G. Surguladze, D. Gulua, E. Turkia
  92. The Development of web applications based on databases (ASP.NET, ADO.NET, C#) G. Surguladze, E. Turkia, I. Bulia
  93. Designing information systems T. Sturua
  94. Construction of information systems with multimedia databases K. Meyer-Wegener, G. Surguladze, G. Basiladze
  95. International experience in information systems management (BSI, ITIL, COBIT) G. Surguladze, B. Urushadze 
  96. The Fundamentals of automation of management processes D. Meparishvili, T. Sherozia, G. Nareshelashvili, Kh. Christesiashvili
  97. Automatic systems of small business management Sh. Makarov, I. Natsvlishvili
  98. Web page design (HTML)  ქ. Q. Nanobashvili, T. Sturua, M. Dolidze
  99. Designing web pages using HTML language ქ. Q. Nanobashvili, T. Sturua, M. Dolidze
  100. Designing web scenarios using JavaScript language ე. E. Asabashvili, T. Sturua, Z. Tsveraidze
  101. Virtual modeling in LabVIEW space N. Abelashvili
  102. Diagnostics of technical systems N. Abelashvili
  103. Computer Vision (Part I) O. Tavdishvili
  104. Computer graphics and visualization (Part II) - M. Tushishvili, Q. Avalishvili

  105. Banking information systems
    Part I - The Fundamentals of Banking Business M. Tevdoradze, N. Lolashvili
    Part II - Banking information technologies and systems M. Tevdoradze, N. Lolashvili
  106. Business process management models
    Part I - Mathematical models of management M. Tevdoradze, N. Patiashvili, N. Lolashvili, N. Lominadze, T. Lominadze, T. Kaishauri

  107. Part II - Securities and related mathematical models M. Tevdoradze, N. Lolashvili, M. Saltkhutsishvili, N. Lominadze, T. Lominadze, T. Kaishauri, N. Davitaya
  108. Computer accounting M. Tevdoradze, N. Lolashvili
  109. Operations research G. Nareshelashvili, I. Kartvelishvili
  110. Artificial neural networks R. Chogovadze, R. Khurodze
  111. Artificial neural networks in medicine - E. Kubaneishvili
  112. Elements of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics G. Pantsulaia, Z. Kvatadze G. Giorgadze
  113. WEB-programming WEB 2.0, XML, AJAX G. Ghvinepadze
  114. Biomedical Engineering I. Gotsiridze
  115. The Fundamentals of Computer Architecture and Organization A. Benashvili, O. Kartvelishvili, G. Benashvili
  117. Computer graphics and visualization 1 part 1 ნაწილი M. Tushishvili, Q. Avalishvili
  118. Medical expert systems E. Kubaneishvili  
  119. Biostatistics E. Kubaneishvili  
  120. Digital processing of biosignals E. Kubaneishvili   
  121. The Fundamentals of software application development G. Surguladze, M. Bitarashvili, Kh. Christesiashvili
  122. Tools for object-oriented design and modeling of automated management systems (MsVisio, WinPepsy, PetNet, CPN) G. Gogichaishvili, G. Bolkhi, G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
  123. Modeling of business processes K.I. Kachiashvili
  124. About automation of technological processes of production of beverages and products – Dj. Grigalashvili
    Volume 1    Volume 2   Volume 3  Volume 4
  125. Practical electronic devices in modern automation   Dj. Grigalashvili
  126. Conspectus of lectures (collection)  Dj. Grigalashvili
  127. CASE tools for software system processing - T. Sukhiashvili
  128. WEB-programming HTML 5 G. Ghvinepadze
  129. Integration and design of corporate Web-applications G. Surguladze, I. Bulia
  130. Object-oriented analysis and design of systems G. Gogichaishvili, T. Sukhiashvili
  131. Methodological instructions for laboratory works “Introduction to information technologies” I. Gotsiriridze, M. Meskhya
  132. Medical engineering laboratory systems G. Gigilashvili, I. Gotsiridze, Z. Mgaloblishvili. Z. Ghurtskaya, M. Tsiklauri
  133. The Fundamentals of Visual Programming VISUAL BASIC Z. Ghurtskaya M. Meskhia
  134. Mathematical modeling course, volume 1 T. Obgadze
  135. Mathematical modeling course, volume 2 T. Obgadze, L. Obgadze, N. Mchedlishvili, I. Davitashvili, N. Tushishvili
  136. Mathematical modeling course, volume 3 T. Obgadze
  137. Mathematical modeling course, volume 4 T. Obgadze
  138. Mathematical modeling course, volume 5 T. Obgadze, N. Bichenova
  139. WEB-programming JQuery G. Ghvinepadze
  140. APPLIED THEORY OF DIGITAL AUTOMATICS O.M. Kartvelishvili, M.O. Kartvelishvili
  141. Routing algorithms in computer networks O. Kartvelishvili, M. Kartvelishvili
  142. Programming in HASKELL language (multimedia presentation) A. Frangishvili, Z. Tsveraidze, O. Namicheishvili
  143. Automatic driving models. Statistical models K. Kachiashvili
  144. Information technologies text editor (MS Word - 2007) ) გ. გოგიჩაიშვილი, G. Gogichaishvili, T. Sherozia, L. Petriashvili, M. Kashibadze, M. Okhanashvili
  145. The Fundamentals of Biosignals processing A. Faghava
  146. Biomedical Engineering I. Gotsiridze
  147. Product quality audit and expertise in the customs system Nodar Abelashvili
  148. Face discernment methods E. Kubaneishvili
  149. Biometry E . Kubaneishvili
  150. The Fundamentals of wavelet-transformation E. Kubaneishvili
  151. Automatic accounting system Q. Nanobashvili
  152. Web-technologies (MACROMEDIA DREAMWEAVER) Q. Nanobashvili, V. Takashvili, F. Paatashvili
  153. Mathematics for economists, part I, part II Q. Skvitaridze, G. Karseladze, I. Sigua, E. Elerdashvili, M. Khmiadashvili, Z. Tediashvili
  154. Automatic control models, Logical and graphical models G. Gogichaishvili, G. Chachanidze, Q. Nanobashvili
  155. Small business management Sh. Makarov, I. Natsvlishvili
  156. Samples of test tasks in general physics A. Gigineishvili, M. Taktakishvili, M. Tsirekidze, T. Bzhalava
  157. Linear Algebra Elements of Applied Algebra Part II D. Natroshvili, G. Samsonadze, R. Bitsadze, M. Shubladze
  158. Linear Algebra Elements of Applied Algebra Part I D. Natroshvili, G. Samsonadze, M. Shubladze
  159. Methodological instructions for performing laboratory and practical work in GPSS WORLD A. Frangishvili, Z. Gasitashvili, I. Abuladze, V. Tsverava
  160. Laboratory works in VBA language I. Abuladze
  161. Decision-making supporting methods and models in expert evaluations of business programs A. Frangishvili, G. Surguladze, I. Vacharadze
  162. Modeling and designing of e-business and e-commerce systems E. Turkia
  163. Building web applications based on ASP.NET & C# packages G. Surguladze, I. Bulia, E. Turkia (Laboratory Practitioner’s Guide)
  164. Unified and imitative modeling of marketing business processes G. Surguladze, M. Okhanashvili, G. Surguladze
  165. Management of information resources in organizational systems G. Surguladze, M. Kashibadze
  166. Realization of the software based on the Rational Rose tool G. Gogichaishvili, E. Turkia
  167. Internet business E. Turkia, I. Dzmanashvili
  168. Management of intellectual resources in corporate systems M. Giutashvili, E. Turkia
  169. Desktop applications for managers N. Topuria, E. Turkia, T. Lominadze
  170. Construction of information security systems using the technologies of MICROSOFT corporation O. Shonia, N. Topuria, G. Maisuradze
  171. Computer Architecture O. Gabedava
  172. Computer Architecture O. Gabedava
  173. WEB-technologies HTML Part I Tea Todua, Lasha Verulava
  174. WEB-programming PHP G. Ghvinepadze
  175. Solving elementary geometric problems by non-standard methods G. Fansulaya, G. Giorgadze, A. Kvaliashvili
  176. “The Praise” and sciences G. Ghvinepadze
  177. Elements of Probability Theory G. Pantsulaia
  178. Elements of Probability Theory G. Pantsulaia
  179. WEB-programming XML, databases, and the Internet G. Ghvinepadze
  180. Collection of tasks for C# learners T. Bakhtadze
  181. Windows Network Operating Systems Part I G. Ghvinepadze
  182. Computer mathematics I.Dj. Dochviri
  183. WEB-programming HTML G. Ghvinepadze
  184. WEB-programming JavaScript G. Ghvinepadze
  185. WEB-programming X M L G. Ghvinepadze
  186. Scientific foundations of administrative-state management B. Shanshiashvili
  187. Probability theory and mathematical statistics G. Fantsulaya, Z.Kvatadze, G.Giorgadze
  188. Economics of metrology (the list of lectures) I. Zedginidze
  189. “Metrology, standardization, and certification” I. Zedginidze
  190. Production Quality Control (the list of lectures) I. G. Zedgenidze and R.M Zhvania
  192. “Total quality management” I. Zedginidze
  193. “Quality management” I. Zedginidze, M. Baliashvili, Sh. Djaparidze
  194. “Certification” M. Baliashvili, T. Menabde
  195. “The Theory of Standardization” I. Zedginidze, M. Baliashvili
  198. Programming language Pascal Inga Abuladze
  199. Object-oriented programming language C# Tengiz Bakhtadze
  200. Medical Informatics Irine Gotsiridze
  201. Web Design HTML & JAVASCRIPT M. Kiknadze, E. Chickashua, T. Kaishauri, T. Zhvania, L. Petriashvili
  202. Designing WEB pages I. Mikadze, N. Arabuli, M. Kiknadze
  203. Simulation modeling in MATLAB Simulink N. Mchedlishvili, V. Sesadze, V. Kekenadze, G. Chikadze
  204. Computer modeling system Matlab N. Mchedlishvili, V. Sesadze, V. Kekenadze, G. Chikadze
  205. Interfaces of peripheral devices A. Benashvili
  206. WEB-technologies HTML (Part I) Tea Todua, Lasha Verulava
  207. Creating a database in Microsoft Access Z. Tsveraidze, T. Chkuaseli, E. Rochikashvili
  208. Routing algorithms in computer networks O.M. Kartvelishvili, M.O. Kartvelishvili
  209. The object-oriented programming language C++   G. Surguladze
  210. Database management systems (InterBase) G. Surguladze, L. Kvavadze
  211. The Fundamentals of Programming (based on C language) G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
  212. The Fundamentals of Programming (based on C language, part II) G. Surguladze
  213. Database management systems (MS SQL Server) G. Surguladze, O. Shonia, L. Kvavadze
  214. Database desktop systems - Gia Surguladze, Maya Okhanashvili
  215. Software platforms (operating systems: MS Windows, Unix, Linux) Gia Surguladze, Nino Topuria, Giorgi Surguladze
  216. Database management systems (Oracle) G. Surguladze, L. Kvavadze
  217. Automatic control models: Petri nets G. Gogichaishvili, G. Surguladze, D. Gulua, M. Kashibadze
  218. Structural programming method Gia Surguladze
  219. Programming methods for the Internet (based on JAVA-2 and XML languages) G. Surguladze, Mzia Kiknadze
  220. Methods and tools of visual modeling of automated control systems (UML, MS Visio) G. Surguladze, T. Sukhiashvili, G. Nareshelashvili
  221. Object-oriented method of programming Gia Surguladze
  222. Automatic management models: relational data model G. Gogichaishvili, G. Surguladze
  223. Object-oriented modeling with unified Petri nets PNML (Petri Net Markup Language) G. Surguladze, D. Gulua
  224. Application of Unified Petri Net for Modeling of Distributed Systems Gia Surguladze, Davit Gulua
  225. Computer networks (conspectus) G. Ghvinepadze
  226. Designing Internet and Internet Applications with DELPHI (Conspectus) G. Ghvinepadze
  227. Data warehouse for Internet business systems (Data Warehouse + OLAP) G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
  228. Algorithms for modeling and analysis of distributed system resource management process (Data Warehouse-Pet Net) G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
  229. Data warehouse software for distributed business systems (Data Warehouse-Soft) G. Surguladze, L. Petriashvili
  230. Visual programming methods and tools (UML, Borland-C++Builder) Gia Surguladze
  231. Introduction to Programming (in German) Klaus Meyer-Wegener, G. Surguladze
  232. The Fundamentals of programming-C/C++ (in German)-C/C++ (გერმანულად) კლაუს Klaus Meyer-Wegener, G. Surguladze
  233. Object-Oriented Modeling and Design (in German) Klaus Bothe, G. Surguladze
  234. Software package building technology with UML (in German) Klaus Bothe, G. Surguladze
  235. Visual programming methods and tools (interfaces and applications) SQL/QBE/BC++Builder Gia Surguladze, Teimuraz Dolidze
  236. Programming methods: methodical guide of the course project G. Surguladze
  237. Designing structures of database management systems: ORM/ERM, MS SQL Server G. Surguladze, N. Topuria, G. Meladze
  238. Database management systems: object-role modeling-ORM G. Surguladze, N. Topuria
  239. .NET technology (introduction, C#.NET, ADO.NET) G. Surguladze
  240. VisualC#.NET R. Samkharadze
  241. Visual- C++ - CLI-NET R. Samkharadze
  242. Computer Graphics Part I, Part II M. Tutishvili
  243. Information technologies - electronic tables G. Gogichaishvili, T. Sherozia, L. Petriashvili, M. Kashibadze, M. Okhanashvili
  244. Information technologies - electronic presentations G. Gogichaishvili, T. Sherozia, L. Petriashvili, M. Kashibadze, M. Okhanashvili
  245. Introduction to Computer Technologies (Part II) E. Chickashua, Sh. Demurashvili, A. Davitashvili
  246. The Fundamentals of object-oriented programming. Java. Part I - Authors: Davit Kapanadze, Taliko Zhvania
  247. The Fundamentals of object-oriented programming. Java. Part II - authors: Davit Kapanadze, Taliko Zhvania
  248. Information protection in computer networks Author: Teimuraz Sharashidze
  249. Methodical instruction for performing laboratory work in the subject “Microprocessor systems” Authors: O. Kartvelishvili, C. Khoshtaria, S. Khoshtaria
  250. Microprocessor systems part I, microcontroller architecture Authors: O. Kartvelishvili, C. Khoshtaria, S. Khoshtaria
  251. Computer networks (part 1) -Authors: V. Adamia, N. Arabuli, Z. Tsiramua
  252. The Fundamentals of Cryptography Authors: T. Asatiani, T. Lominadze, N. Lominadze, R. Papiashvili
  253. The Fundamentals of Management Engineering - authors: V. Sesadze, G. Chikadze.
  254. Mathematics on the computer -Authors: G. Chikadze, V. Sesadze.
  255. The technology of building a network of automated workplaces of the corporation - Author: G. Surguladze.
  256. A collection of tests on the subject “Algorithmization Fundamentals and Programming Elements” - Authors: R. Samkharadze, L. Gachechiladze, M. Kurdadze, M. Kalabegishvili.
  257. Visual C#.NET- Authors: R. Samkharadze, L. Gachechiladze.
  258. Web-Technologies (W3.JS, Vue.JS, Kotlin)- Authors: G. Ghvinepadze, N. Chorkhauli
  259. Cryptography Basics- Authors: N. Lominadze, T. Asatiani, T. Lominadze, R. Papiashvili
  260. Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms (in Russian)- Authors: N. Beraia, L. Tokadze