
10 Facts


The Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems is the first in the region

The Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems of GTU is the first faculty in the region in the field of computing and automation, with 65 years of experience and traditions. Currently, more than 3,000 students study at the faculty at all three levels of university education.


Modern educational programs

The Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems has modern educational programs: information technologies, computer science, computer engineering, control systems, artificial intelligence, biomedical engineering, digital telecommunication technologies, exact and natural sciences, which ensure the training of highly competitive young specialists. Teaching is conducted in both Georgian and foreign languages


The educational process is provided by a unique laboratory base in the region

Technology, Digital Telecommunication Technologies and Engineering Physics Laboratories and Virtual Modeling Center


Collaboration with the world's largest scientific and research centers

Collaboration with the world's largest scientific and research centers: CERN (Switzerland), KEK (Japan), FermiLab (USA), Julich (Germany) and others;


Various exchange programs

Various exchange programs in cooperation with leading European universities. Multicultural environment for professional and personal development and broadening horizons


UNESCO Chair "Information Society"

UNESCO Chair "Information Society", which allows students to actively participate in various educational and scientific projects together with local and international partners


Student life

Diverse and interesting student life, loaded with local and international scientific-practical conferences, hackathons, student projects, cultural-cognitive and sports events. Student clubs based on research interests, including artificial intelligence and biomedical engineering


Priority programs

Fully funded by the state, priority undergraduate programs: engineering physics, mathematics, biomedical engineering, digital communication technologies and control systems, automation and test engineering


The training process is conducted by professionals

The educational and scientific process of the faculty is led by highly qualified and experienced professors.


Opportunity to receive high-quality innovative education

The faculty cooperates with successful business organizations and enterprises, the possibility of receiving high-quality innovative education through partnership with them. Scholarship programs from private companies