For Students

Michel Mouskhely Club

“We only lit a small bonfire, now a bigger fire must be lit in Strasbourg to ignite European hearts” – said Mikheil Muskhelishvili

Welcome to the Michel Mouskhely Club!

The club is an independent union of students, which acts as a self-governing student club and whose goal is to unite young people around European ideas and values.

Mikheil Muskhelishvili, also known as Michel Mouskhely, was a Georgian lawyer living in Strasbourg, who fought for the unification of Europe before the creation of a united Europe.

On September 25th, 2023, we, the students of the Georgian Technical University, founded a club where young people who share the ideas of this great Georgian will gather, hold discussions, and various events, to discuss how we see the future of our country and what we can do for a better tomorrow.

Our youth goal is to embody the ideas and works of Michel Mouskhely and other great Georgian thinkers for the future of Georgia!

The Michel Mouskhely Club is open to everyone who wants to get involved in educational and cognitive projects based on European values and culture; to learn about the activities and achievements of those Georgian family members working in Georgia and abroad, who not only served our country unselfishly but also left a worthy mark on the development of European and transatlantic civilizations!


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