The process of updating educational and scientific laboratories in GTU continues

The process of updating educational and scientific laboratories in GTU continues


The process of updating educational and scientific laboratories in GTU continues

The process of updating educational and scientific laboratories in GTU continues

At the Georgian Technical University, at the Faculty of Mining Geology, the Department of Applied Geology, the Republican Center for Diagnostics and Processing of Gemology and Mineral Substances Research continues.

The Republican Center for Diagnostics and Processing of Gemology and Mineral Substances Research has been equipped with diagnostic tools and equipment for synthetic minerals of four names.

In addition, the center acquired collections of diamonds, precious stones, and jewelry. Also, the equipment and collections of the Precious Metals and Gemstone Jewelry Preparatory Training Courses were retooled.

According to Professor Nodar Foforadze, head of the Department of Applied Geology of GTU, within the framework of the technical retooling of the Republican Center for Gemology and Mineral Substances Research, Diagnostics, and Processing, the “RMG Group” according to standards for physical and mechanical parameters of soils and rocks the ISO 9001:2008, ASTME, EN, handed over 57 relevant tools and equipment to the center.

The ”RMG Group” handed over to the center an atomic absorption analyzer, rock, mineral, and ore rock hammers, and crusher, which are planned to be placed in the teaching-scientific laboratory and preparatory laboratory of hydrogeology and engineering geology. Some of the tools and equipment are intended for the educational process, which in the educational process is especially important for carrying out the research component, for carrying out laboratory and practical work provided by many educational course syllabuses, for conducting scientific conferences, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral theses.

The main goal of the Department of Applied Geology is that all methods and fields of research in the laboratory follow international standards (ISO, ASTME, EN), and the conducted analyses are not only highly reliable but also performed according to international standards. From next year, we plan to add accredited areas and develop a geotechnics laboratory,” said Nodar Foforadze.

For information: the examination laboratory of the Republican Center for Gemology and Mineral Substances Research, Diagnostics, and Processing of the Georgian Technical University successfully passed repeated accreditation in 2022.

The activity of the laboratory is in full compliance with the requirements of SST ISO/IEC 17025:2017/2018 and carries out work in more than 14 accredited areas. The laboratory is equipped with appropriate tools and equipment. The university constantly updates and modernizes the laboratory space and equipment.

The laboratory-accredited activities include the areas of gold-silver alloys, including jewelry, gold-palladium-platinum, and lattice catalyst platinum alloys. Non-ferrous metals and iron and their alloys. Materials containing precious metals and scrap, ceramics. Inorganic waste - geological, metallurgical, mining, and construction. Also, paint products, art paints, plasticine, plastic toys, plastics, their products, their waste, polymer products, their waste. Gold-bearing ore, copper ore, copper concentrate, barite-polymetallic ore, manganese ore, and concentrate; precious (jewelry) and hand-crafting minerals (stones); igneous rocks: metamorphic rocks; sedimentary rocks; rock minerals; ore minerals; Determination of the chemical composition of soils, etc.

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