Project PRINTeL - I Annual T&L Forum “Issues and Perspectives of Digitally-Enhanced Teaching & Learning in Higher Education"

Project PRINTeL - I Annual T&L Forum “Issues and Perspectives of Digitally-Enhanced Teaching & Learning in Higher Education"


Project PRINTeL - I Annual T&L Forum “Issues and Perspectives of Digitally-Enhanced Teaching & Learning in Higher Education"

On the 20th of May, 2021, was conducted a Webinar within Erasmus+ PRINTeL Project on the 1st annual Teaching & Learning Forum entitled “Issues and Perspectives of Digitally-Enhanced Teaching & Learning in Higher Education”.

The Forum was held as an online webinar and was focused on how European and Eastern Partnership Country (EPC) universities have responded to the changes in teaching and learning (T&L) that have come about because of the Covid-19 crisis. Herewith it was analysed what was done over the past year to support university communities in addressing key challenges of T&L, as well as a chance to reflect on what lies ahead for university T&L in the future. It highlighted the key findings of the recent experience of PRINTeL Project partners on innovative and technology-enhanced T&L in times of Covid-19.

The participants had the opportunity to meet and discuss development in the digitalised T&L at European and EPC universities. Through a mix of presentations and interactive audience engagement in different plenary sessions it provided a platform for the discussion on how universities enhance T&L in virtual space as well as present the ways to accomplish the digital transformation in T&L that our HEIs require during the Covid-19.

From GTU the representatives of almost all the Faculties participated in the Webinar, among them Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolendia (Faculty of Transportation and Mechanical Engineering) made a presentation "What Happened in the Classroom?! (COVID Lessons - GTU Experience)"; Assoc. Prof. Nikoloz Abzianidze (Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunication) was a Moderator in a session “Teacher Support Importance and Organization”.

More detailed information about the Forum as well as Webinar recordings and presentations are available on PRINTeL project Website via the link.

For further information on the Project PRINTeL visit the Project PRINTel official website and the website of GTU International Relations and Standards Office.

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