Electronic Material Submission Policy

To submit materials for inclusion in the electronic version of the Library of the Scientific Course of the Scientific and Educational Literature Repository at GTU, please contact Lika Giorgobiani (Administrative Building, 3rd Floor, Room 350).

If the electronic material (monograph, publication, methodological instructions, etc.) is confirmed by the Scientific and Educational Literature Repository of GTU and has an assigned ISBN, submit the PDF file written on a CD, or send the PDF file to library1@gtu.ge via email.

If you are the author of electronic material (monograph, publication, methodological instructions, etc.) and wish for your work to be uploaded to the electronic catalog, please contact us via email at library1@gtu.ge.

For foreign electronic materials (books, dissertations not available at GTU, articles, etc.) and Georgian-language electronic materials purchased from various sources, please fill out the form (specify the source) and submit it with a CD.

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