It is a platform of the English-Dutch publishing house Elsevier, providing online access to nearly 2,200 academic journals and 25,000 e-books. The journals are grouped into four main sections: Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences, Health Sciences, and Social Sciences and Humanities. Most abstracts are freely available, while full-text access (in PDF and HTML formats) requires a subscription.
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, equipped with built-in bibliometric mechanisms for searching, monitoring, analyzing, and visualizing scientific research. The database includes over 22,800 peer-reviewed periodicals from 5,000 international publishers, covering fundamental, general, and humanities sciences, technical, medical, and arts fields. Scopus contains 69 million records from 1788 onwards and 1.4 billion cited references from 1970 onwards.
For remote access to the HeinOnline database, please contact us at is the world's largest image-based legal research database, covering 191 million pages and 298,000 titles of historical and government documents. HeinOnline.
Cambridge Journals Onlinecovers the fields of humanities and social sciences, including astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, history, linguistics, philosophy, politics, law, management, sociology, psychology, arts, media, and communication.
Presented are scientific articles from the fields of humanities, social sciences, business, and medicine. SAGE Journals
Presented on the SAGE platform. The main focus of the journals is mechanical engineering. Engineering journals cover various fields. Engineering (
EDWARD ELGAR presents journals focused on humanities and economics. The books cover topics such as public and social governance, corporate governance, migration, infrastructure development, and intellectual property research.
Duke Journals Scholarly Collection includes studies in: history, cultural studies, pedagogy, philosophy, gender studies, international, regional, and religious investigations, as well as sociological theory.
Mathematical Sciences Publishers offers a collection of 17 refereed journals focused on mathematics and related disciplines. The main areas covered include mathematics, mechanics, and engineering.
The Company of Biologists publishes non-commercial journals dedicated to rigorous research in biology and biomedical sciences. They collaborate globally with libraries and library consortia to maximize access to high-quality research across the world.
The European Respiratory Journal focuses on clinical and experimental medicine related to biological, epidemiological, immunological, oncological, and other respiratory-related disciplines. Currently, the journal has an impact factor of 12.339.
International Monetary Fund's electronic library. Includes over 11,000 publications and more than 1 million records from databases. Databases with statistical data, bulletins, and all accessible accounts. Link to IMF eLibrary