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About the conference

Efficient transport and logistics systems create opportunities and benefits for economic and social development. The field "transport" itself is quite complex and combines several directions - at least three factors are necessary for the functioning of transport - 1. infrastructure; 2. rolling stock (car); 3. Management, which in itself indicates the versatility of the field. In specific cases, other interdisciplinary factors are added (civil engineering; mechanics; business; economics; logistics; politics, etc.). This in the end makes transport issues quite varied and complex. Accordingly, the international scientific conference "Transport Bridge Europe-Asia" and under its auspices the multi-profile study of transport problems and the preparation of scientific analyzes and conclusions are important for the long-term socio-political, public, cultural and/or technical progress of any country, especially of Georgia, taking into account its geostrategic location.

In general, transport is the most important for the development of socio-economic and defense capability of the country. Without its sustainable development, the effective operation of any branch of the national economy is unthinkable; Transport is of special importance for both social and economic spheres in Georgia. The geopolitical situation of Georgia, its role in the "Europe-Asia" transport corridor makes the harmonious development of transport and its types particularly relevant, which makes clear the need for qualified scientific research in this field and the need for the transfer of best global practices and knowledge. Researches in the direction of transport are important from both scientific and practical point of view. Today, based on the national interest, it is important to discuss the current challenges of the transport sector of Georgia and the future national and global perspectives in the following directions:

Ultimately, the goal of holding this traditional conference is to discuss the problems of the transport sector with the participation of representatives of the scientific and academic circles in the format of a high-level institutional international scientific conference. At the same time, as a result of information exchange and experience sharing, local scientific potential should be promoted and strengthened, the possibility of integration and cooperation of scientists in the international scientific field; to develop and popularize science, to attract new personnel in science and to raise the qualifications of young scientists.

 Working topics of the conference:

  1. Current situation, problems and development trends of road, rail, sea and air transport;
  2. Technological and special transport;
  3. Urban transport and transport infrastructure;
  4. Multimodal, intermodal and combined transport processes;
  5. Transport logistics, management and economic aspects;
  6. Dynamics of rolling stock and technological transport;
  7. Diagnostics, monitoring, technical condition and service of vehicles;
  8. Transport operational materials;
  9. Transport information systems and technologies, intelligent transport systems;
  10. Cold storage and transportation of food products;
  11. Transport and ecology;
  12. Educational policy on transport;
  13. Transport legislation and customs affairs.


Contact email: ictbea@gtu.ge   


Full information about the conference (registration, requirements for issuing articles, bank details, etc.) is also available on the conference website: ICTBEA.gtu.ge