
The foundation of this department was laid in 1940, when the cathedra of "motor transport" was formed.

In 1946, the "Automotive Transport" department was separated into a department called "Automobiles, Tractors and Autotractor Engines". In 1971, it was divided into "Automobiles and Tractors" and "Internal Combustion Engines" departments, and in 1984, the departments were united again and named the "Automobiles, Internal Combustion Engines and Fuel-Oil Materials" department. In 1998, by merging the latter and the "Automotive Transport" cathedra, a new cathedra was formed, which included almost all specialties of the automotive field and was again called the "Automotive Transport" Cathedra (currently the department).

The "Logistics" department was established in 2011 and was headed by Prof. G. Doborjginidze. From 2021, the "Automotive Transport" and "Logistics" Departments were merged and renamed as the "Automotive Transport and Logistics" Department.

From its establishment until 1998, the heads of the Department of "Automobile Transport" were: Prof. G. Nesferidze (1940-1970), Assoc. G. Medzmariashvili (1970-1982), Prof. I. Kochiashvili (1982-1987), Prof. M. Edilashvili (1987-1993), Prof. V. Lekiashvili (1993-1998).

In 1946-1960, the head of the department of "cars, tractors and tractor engines" was an academician of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, prof. R. Dvali, 1960-84 - Member of the Engineering Academy of Georgia, prof. R. Fartskhaladze. In 1971-1977, the head of the internal combustion engine department was Prof. d. Petriashvili, and 1977-1984 Assoc. J. Iosebidze. Prof. J. Iosebidze 1984-1998 He headed the "Cars, Internal Combustion Engines and Fuel-Oil Materials" department, and until 2021, the "Automotive Transport" department.

Since 2021, the head of the "Automotive Transport and Logistics" Department is a true member of the Georgian and International Engineering Academies and the Georgian Academy of Environmental Sciences, Prof. J. Iosebidze.

At different times, the department trained specialists in the following specialties: "automobiles and automobile farming", "automobiles and tractors", "internal combustion engines", "organization and management of shipments on road transport", as well as specializations: "rational use of fuel and oil materials". "Environmental safety of cars", "Customs case on land transport" and "Transport logistics". It should be noted that the last four specializations were created and implemented in Georgia for the first time in the "Automobile Transport" department.

Currently, the Department of "Motor Transport and Logistics" prepares bachelors, masters and doctorates in the specialty "Transport" and bachelors and masters in the specialty "Logistics". In addition, since 2015, a double-diploma Georgian-German language undergraduate program has been implemented together with Wildau University in Germany.

Since 1946, the department has trained more than 10,000 specialists, including many ministers, deputy ministers, parliamentarians, chief engineers, academicians, professors, company heads, and others.

Educational programs developed in accordance with modern requirements were and are a solid basis for the realization of training of specialists at a high level; Syllabus high pedagogical, scientific level and enthusiasm of the professors of the department; Manuals and methodical literature, reflecting modern achievements, developed by them, many dozens of titles; A laboratory base equipped with modern simulation models, computer control systems, real aggregates, diagnostic and testing equipment, etc.

The main directions of scientific work of the department are: efficiency of road transport; Elaboration of logistics methods for increasing vehicle durability, fuel efficiency, traffic and environmental safety. Many monographs and scientific articles have been published in Georgia and abroad. Among them, 2 monographs were awarded with the State Prize of Georgia, in the field of science and technology. Papers on the fuel economy and environmental friendliness of automobiles and the so-called discovery level. "Effect of secondary layer of nanodispersed diamonds on elastic surfaces".

The methods of determining and increasing the fuel efficiency of cars developed by the department's employees, competitive motor oils and plastic lubricants (under the name "Kolkheti"), etc. are in the phase of implementation. The department has established close creative ties with departments and laboratories of the relevant profile of higher education institutions and research institutes in Georgia and abroad (Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Azerbaijan).

Specialists who graduated from the Department of "Automotive Transport and Logistics" are employed by automobile companies "Mercedes", "Opel", "Volkswagen", "Renault", "Toyota", "Mitsubishi", "Tegeta Motors", "Autoban", etc. In service centers and logistics centers, traffic police, environmental protection, defense services and others, the number of which is increasing every year and, accordingly, the demand for young specialists in road transport and logistics is increasing.