
The department has a long history. At the time of the establishment of Tiflis Higher Technical School (1917), one of the four existing departments was the „Production Economy and Organization“ department; the studies in the institute were conducted in Russian, and accordingly, the majority of the department’s members were of Russian and Armenian nationality. The training program for engineers was similar to other technical high schools in the Russian Empire, and the subjects of economics and organization were represented with a considerable share.

In the „Georgian State Polytechnic University“, formed by the merger of the Polytechnic Faculty of the State University and the Higher Technical School in 1928, the department functioned under the same name that was preserved in the „Georgian Industrial“ and „Georgian Polytechnic“ institutes.

Since 1992, based on the chair of „Production Economics and Organization“ at the Georgian Technical University, similar chairs have been established at the aviation faculty (now an independent university), mining and metallurgical, transport, and energy faculties.

Since 1995, the department has started to train students in the following directions, along with taking the subjects of economy, planning, organization, and management in the training of engineering specialties: „Engineering Management“, „Electro-Technical Industry Management“, „Transport Management“ and „Communication Management“. At the same time, it remained a general university chair in „Management“ subjects.

After the unified classifier of higher specialties was created, the department was renamed and was called „Department of Transport and Industry Management“. It leads economic and managerial disciplines at the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering and is a profiling department for „Entrepreneurial Business Organization and Management“ specialty Bachelor, „Business Organization and Management“ Master, and „Business Administration“ doctorate students.

The Department of Transport and Industry Management staff are highly qualified, internationally recognized professors whose scientific publications are devoted to the following scientific issues: macro and microeconomic stability; transport economy and management; Economy and management of industry and its component branches; logistics; accounting; audit, etc.

Currently, the department is headed by Professor Goderdzi Tkeshelashvili. The high professionalism, experience, scientific work, hard work, high erudition, and deep learning of the department professors are a guarantee of the training of highly professional personnel.

Currently, the department provides the services of the accredited program „Entrepreneurial Business Organization and Management“ (Business Administration - Management). The mentioned program is unique throughout Georgia. It was prepared in collaboration with British colleagues, and its content concentrates on business sectors (transport, industry). The program is focused on training specialists with practical and transferable skills, equipped with extensive knowledge of business management, who are in high demand both in private business and public services.