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Digital guides

The Central Library of the Technical University of Georgia is one of the largest libraries in the country. The library's universal fund consists of educational, scientific and artistic publications. Among them are such unique (rarity) editions, the majority of which are preserved only here and represent the rarest copies, in particular, Georgian, European and American editions of technical, engineering and humanitarian specialties of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries are preserved.
The fund also preserves French, German, Russian and English periodicals of an engineering and historical nature, which are invaluable for presenting the continuous process of development of technical (and not only) history. In the fund you will find the unique encyclopedias of Brockhaus, Larus, Grant.
The library has literature in Georgian, English, Russian, German, French and other languages. Among the several million library items are both books and periodicals. An important part of the library is the electronic database of books and magazines.
The integrated library system "KOHA" (http://opac.gtu.ge/) has been implemented in the library of the Technical University of Georgia, through which it is possible to find both printed and electronic literature in the library.


  1. Heinonline - the electronic database of law, on the platform of which there are almost 5,0000 academic journals and 25,000 e-mails. To provide online access to the book. Journals are grouped into four main sections: Physics and engineering, health care, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. Most of the abstracts are available for free. And full-text access (in PDF and HTML formats) requires a subscription.
  2. Science Direct

It represents the platform of the Anglo-Dutch publishing house Elsevier with almost 2,200 academic journals and 25,000 e-mails, to provide online access to the book. Journals are grouped into four main sections: Physics and engineering, health care, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. Most of the abstracts are available for free. And full-text access (in PDF and HTML formats) requires a subscription.

  1. Scopus

This is the largest database of abstracts and citations of refereed literature, equipped with built-in bibliometric mechanisms for searching/controlling, analyzing and visualizing scientific studies. The database includes more than 22,800 peer-reviewed periodicals from 5,000 international publishers in the fundamental, general education and humanities, technical, medical and arts fields. Scopus contains 69 million records since 1788 and 1.4 billion cited references since 1970.


  1. Web of Science

American corporation Clarivate Analytics (until 2016 Thompson Reuters) is a search platform that integrates abstract databases of scientific publications and patents, including cross-cited materials. Web of Science covers natural, technical, public, humanitarian and cultural fields. Allows searching, statistical analysis and management of bibliographic information https://apps.webofknowledge.com/


  1. Cambridge University Press

A leading journal with 384 titles in various disciplines. In 2017, 20 journals from law, biology, anthropology, archeology, and other fields were added to the list of journals. Subject range: Articles focus on medicine and its subspecialties, including cardiology, emergency medicine, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology/oncology, immunology/allergology, infectious diseases, nephrology, neurology/neurosurgery, pulmonology, and rheumatology.


  1. Royal Society Publishing - journals

Nine high-demand fields from physics, biology and other related disciplines. including from the field of philosophy and logic. The database includes the digital archive of the Royal Society since 1665. Subject spectrum: biological sciences, physics, mathematics and engineering sciences, as well as their related disciplines. https://royalsociety.org/journals/ IMF eLibrary

More than 11,000 publications and more than 1 million records from the database. Databases with statistical data, bulletins and all available reports.



  1. SAGE Premier

More than 900 leading international refereed journals of a wide range of subjects from the 2017 collection, with 909 scientific articles. Subject spectrum: business, humanities, social science technologies and the field of medicine. Priority: 1. Includes scientific articles, namely: 2009 582 from the collection; 2012 653 from the collection; 2014 727 from the collection; 2015 751 from the collection; 2016 824 and 2017 from the collection. 909 names from the collection. 2. 65% of SAGE journals are featured in the 2010 Thomson Reuters Journal Cited List (JCR)

  1. Edward Elgar Publishing

Seven law and management journals, and about 280 educational e-books. Subject range: books on finance, economics, innovative research, infrastructure development, healthcare, corporate management, public and social governance, migration, research methods, intellectual property, legal, etc. about research development. The collection includes scientific monographs, textbooks and references. http://www.elgaronline.com

  1. Duke University Press

44 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Subject range: African studies, anthropology, art and art history, Asian studies, criticism and theory, cultural studies, economics, education, environmental protection, ethnography, European studies, fiction and poetry, film and media studies, gender studies, literary studies, health care, history, International and Regional Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Music Theory, Pedagogy, Philosophy, Politics, Religious Studies, Scientific Studies, Sociology and Social Theory, Theater and Performance Studies.

  1. "POLPRED Directories" LLC

The Polpred.com archive of important publications is compiled manually. Rubricator: 53 fields / 600 sources / 8 federal districts of Russia / 235 countries and territories / main materials / 17,000 first-person articles and interviews. Daily thousands of news, complete! Text - in Russian. A million stories from news agencies and business press over 15 years. Polpred.com is open from all computers in the library and intranet, the button "Access from home" in "polpred".
Polpred.com Обзор СМИ. В рубрикаторе: 53 отрасли / 600 источников / 8 федеральных округов РФ / 235 стран и территорий / главные материалы / статьи и интервью 17000 первых лиц. Ежедневно тысяча новостей, полный текст на русском языке. Миллионы сюжетов информагентств и деловой прессы за 15 лет. Polpred.com открыт со всех компьютеров библиотеки и внутренней сети. Кнопка "Доступ из дома" в шапке polpred.
Polpred.com Mass Media Review. Repository of important publications manually collected. Database with subject heading list: 53 branches / 600 sources / 8 federal districts of RF / 235 countries and jurisdictions / main materials / articles and interviews of 17000 chief executives. A thousand pieces of news daily, full text

in Russian. Millions of the best stories of news agencies and business press for 15 years. The "Home access" button is in the polpred.com header.
It is posted on the library's website
Bibliography of legal literature preserved in the Central Library of the Technical University of Georgia (1998-2019).
A list of the purchased library is available on the site https://gtu.ge/Library/Books/literature.php
Books can be found here http://opac.gtu.ge/
Ordering is done online https://gtu.ge/Library/
Users of Elsevier databases by activating the remote access function on Science Direct (see instructions) have the possibility to remotely access Scopus and Funding Institutional databases.
Follow these steps for verification:

  1. Check whether the organization's data is reflected in the database - through the Check Access function;
  2. Enter the name of the organization and institutional e-mail;
  3. You will receive a link in your e-mail, which will take you to your personal profile through the Get Access function.

To register an official email, follow the link: