
Since the establishment of the Faculty of Law and International Relations, the Department of Criminal Law has been functioning. It is managed by Professor, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Major General Jemal Janashia, with many years of practical and scientific experience, a number of important projects have been implemented.

The Department of Criminal Justice operates one of the first university crime labs, where students learn the basics of forensic research under the guidance of experienced specialists.

The laboratory is equipped with facilities and equipment for conducting all types of forensic examinations, which makes the projects planned here even more interesting and allows students to gain in-depth knowledge of the subjects discussed in the training process and practical skills.

It should be noted that the laboratory is equipped with the means and equipment for conducting all types of forensic examinations, which makes the projects planned here even more interesting. The laboratory is headed by Mr. Malkhaz Chitaიa, an acting expert of the National Forensic Laboratory named after Samkharauli. The Department is actively involved in focusing on such pressing issues as developing strong legal levers in the fight against drugs, where students themselves are involved in addition to the academic staff, which helps them take the next step towards lawmaking.

Since 2017, on the basis of the order of the rector of the Georgian Technical University No. 2674 of December 27, 2017, the Department of Criminal Law of the Faculty of Law and International Relations has been operating the "Center for Research and Monitoring of Drug Situation and Demographic Problems" in Georgia, where many interesting theoretical studies on the issues of illegal drug trafficking and anti-drug addiction have been carried out. Along with theoretical research, scientific-practical measures are being implemented.

In 2023, a laboratory named after Eugène François Vidocq was established in the Department of Criminal Justice, which will carry out operative-search measures and pedagogical-scientific activities in the direction of personal security.

Head of the Department

The professor is Jemal Janash

Address: room 903 b, VI building

Email: janashiajemal07@gtu.ge