• On November 26, 2011, the traditional XXIV student architectural competition was held at the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design of the Georgian Technical University, the theme of which was "No to Terrorism". It was dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the terrorist act of September 11, 2001 in New York and to the memory of its victims. 57 students of the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design of the Georgiaნ Technical University and the Faculty of Architecture of the Tbilisi State Art Academy participated in the course.
The students' works were exhibited in the "Univers" exhibition hall of GTU, where the awarding ceremony took place on November 29 at 04:00 PM. Incentive prizes were awarded to: Mariam Chulukhadze (GTU), Besarion Lezhava (TSAA), Irakli Tsotsoria (GTU), Salome Mikaberidze (TSAA), Tamar Benashvili (GTU), Temur Tabukashvili (TSAA), Nona Davitaia (TSAA) and Vaniko Katamashvili (GTU) won two third prizes. Shota Gelashvili (TSAA) and Beka Khutsishvili (GTU) were awarded two second prizes, and two first prizes were awarded to Mariam Gorjoladze and Tamar Tsanava (GTU). The Grand Prix established by the Union of Architects of Georgia was awarded to Keti Svanidze, a student of GTU. Ms. Yaroslava (Lola) Petrova, Cultural Attaché of the US Embassy in Georgia, took part in the awarding ceremony. She thanked the organizers of the competition and the students for their sympathy for the USA and gave commemorative gifts to the winners. Mr. Dimitri Mosulishvili, the editor of "Style" magazine, presented the last issue of "Style" magazine to the winners, and the book "Modern Georgian Architects" was presented to the winner of the grand prize, Keti Svanidze. The awarding ceremony of the winners was attended by professors and students of GTU and TSAA.
• October 24-28, 2011 - an international architectural workshop was held in Tbilisi on the topic: "City Reconstruction-renovation and rehabilitation of the historical center of Tbilisi". The organizers of the workshop were the associations of architects of the Czech Republic and Georgia, Tbilisi City Hall Architecture Service, Development Fund, A. Kutateladze Art Academy, Georgian Technical University, Development Company NDCh (Georgia), Architectural Studio KASHUA (Czech Republic) The purpose of the workshop was to Development of a project proposal for the rehabilitation, reconstruction and renovation of the historical core of Tbilisi, between Baratashvili Street and the dry bridge.
• October 16 to 23, 2011The 20th international competition in architecture and design, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction, was held in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. At the same time, the scientific conference "Integration in European architectural education taking into account regional characteristics" was held, which was dedicated to the problems of architectural education.
565 works of 78 architectural schools were presented at the competition, including those from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Italy and Spain.

The Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design of the Georgian Technical University submitted 6 diploma works to the competition, 3 of which were master's and bachelor's theses.
Our entrants have achieved great, unprecedented success at this viewing competition.
1st prize by the decision of the international jury.
Graduates earned:
Levan Matiashvili - for the project of the Museum of Modern Art, Giorgi Shakulashvili for the project of the ski complex in Bakuriani (leader Gia Nadiradze); Giorgi Meladze for the new housing project in a modern environment (led by Medea Melkadze):
Alexander Khasia - for the multifunctional business center project,
Nana Lekveishvili - 100 sites for the hotel complex project (leader Zaza Svanadze). According to the decision of the jury, the second prize was awarded to bachelor Vakhtang Nemsadze - for the hotel complex project in 300 places (leader Medea Melkadze).
• May 24-26, 2011 - An international academic workshop
for architects and urban planners was held in the Bulgarian city of Varna, the theme of which was "Varna 2019. GOLDEN LIGHT CITY / VARNA 2019. GOLDEN LIGHT CITY". The representatives of the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design of our university Professor Pavle Dzindzibadze and 4th year students Vakhtang Nemsadze and Giorgi Khimshiashvili took part in this workshop, whose organizers aimed to create a bank of new ideas regarding urban development of the port of Varna and its surrounding area. The project executed by them has received great attention and special mention from the international architectural community.
• September 23, 2010 The results of the 28th annual international summer competition and workshop, in which our master's students Vasil Giorgadze and Lasha Chkhaidze participated, were summarized in Cergy-Pontoise, a suburb of the capital of France. The international jury, which included the famous architect-urbanists Bertrand WARNIER, Jean-Marie STEPHAN, Roland KARTHAUS and others, awarded the first prize to the work of Vasil Giorgadze, while the work of Lasha Chkhaidze won the third place.
The topic of this year's competition was dedicated to solving the problems of regulating the urban and rural relations of the big metropolis. More than 35 preliminary competition winners and selected candidates from different countries took part in it.
• July 11, 2010 Summary of the results of the workshop and competition "Identity and Spirit of Old Tbilisi" was held at the Goethe Institute. The organizers of the competition were the British Council, the Goethe Institute, the Directorate of Cultural Heritage of Norway, the International Center for Art History and ICOMOS Georgia. The "Old Tbilisi Identity and Spirit" competition, which will be held from March 15 to June 15, 2010, is a part of the "Tbilisi Individuality and Spirit" project ("Old Tbilisi Identity and Spirit" details can be found at www.facebook.com, at the address of the mentioned page