Nino Khabeishvili
Faculty quality assurance
Head of service, professor

Marine Partskhaladze
Faculty quality assurance
The main specialist of the service
The quality assurance service of the Georgian Technical University was created in accordance with the Law of Georgia "On Higher Education" for the purpose of training and scientific-research work in the higher educational institution, as well as raising the qualifications of the staff, and operates in accordance with the statutes of the Technical University and its own regulations.
The Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design operates in accordance with the regulations of the University Quality Assurance Service and the Faculty. According to which the purpose, tasks and functions of the said service are determined; in particular:
The purpose of the faculty's quality assurance service is to:
- Systematic assessment and promotion of the development of educational and scientific-research work, educational programs, as well as the professional qualification of staff at the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design;
The tasks of the quality assurance service of the faculty are:
- evaluation of educational and scientific-research work at the faculty and development of appropriate proposals;
- promoting the introduction of modern methods of learning, teaching and evaluation in order to ensure a high level of teaching quality;
- promoting the implementation of the recommendations developed within the framework of the Bologna agreement at the faculty;
- promotion of international cooperation and integration of the faculty in the common European educational environment;
- Ensuring the objectivity, publicity and transparency of the process of development, evaluation and modification of educational programs corresponding to the national framework of accreditation standards and qualifications;
- Promotion of cooperation at the national and international level for the purpose of developing attractive and relevant educational programs and ensuring the quality of education;
- In order to further improve the educational process, quality of education and educational programs, systematic assessment of provision of educational programs with relevant resources (including material and human resources), analysis of results and development of recommendations;
- Effective management of authorization and accreditation processes of educational programs at all levels;
- Implementation of systematic, objective self-evaluation of educational programs, analysis of results, development of adequate recommendations and control of implementation of planned measures;
- Preparation and analysis of various types of statistical information about educational programs, staff and students in accordance with the established rules;
- Promotion of student and academic staff mobility.
The functions of the quality assurance service of the faculty are:
- In cooperation with the relevant department of the university, development of rules and methods of evaluation of teaching and scientific-research activities, transparent criteria of quality control and methodology of their use;
- On the basis of the developed criteria, monitoring of the current educational and scientific processes at the faculty, analysis of the results and development of appropriate proposals;
- In cooperation with the relevant department of the university, development of criteria and indicators for technical monitoring and academic expertise of educational programs;
- On the basis of the developed criteria and indicators, for the purpose of perfecting the educational programs implemented at the faculty, organizing systematic technical monitoring;
- Implementation of systematic self-assessment processes for the authorization/accreditation process in accordance with the established rules in cooperation with the quality assurance service of the university;
- In order to perfect the transparent criteria of quality control and the methodology of their realization, to establish a close connection and cooperation with the relevant services of higher education institutions of foreign countries, within the scope of its competence;
- In cooperation with the quality assurance service of the university, systematic monitoring of the compliance of the structure and content of the educational programs and training course programs (syllabi) implemented at the faculty with the established standards and the development of proposals for their improvement in the process of self-evaluation preparation;
- Determination and control of the faculty's material-technical base and human resources necessary for the educational process, compliance with authorization and accreditation standards;
- Organization of a systematic survey of students with developed questionnaires, analysis of survey results and development of appropriate proposals;
- Controlling the mobility process and recognition of credits together with other structural units of the faculty;
- Collecting, analyzing and publicizing information related to the Faculty's activities within its competence.
In general, strategic planning is a dynamic cycle that requires assessment of the current situation and, if necessary, timely response, analysis of information, revision of priorities, determination of new priorities and monitoring of the implementation of strategic tasks. In this context, the action plan of the faculty's quality assurance service is being developed.