
Goals of the Agricultural Department:

  1. Training professional staff in the field of agriculture taking into account requirements of the international market;
  2. Participation in international exchange programs (Erasmus+ etc.);
  3. Production of result-oriented education and scientific research in agricultural field in accordance with the requirements of quality and continuous development, sustainable development within the framework of research and ethical environment in order to meet requirements of the local and regional market;
  4. Finding effective ways to involve future employers in the training process;
  5. Continuous improvement of educational programs;
  6. Possible development of programs based on the feedback between the student and the institution;
  7. Possible development of curriculums based on the feedback from the state, private and non-governmental sectors;

Agricultural Technologies Department has 12 ongoing educational programs.

Educational programs of the first level of higher education (bachelor’s degree) are:

  1. Agricultural Technologies;
  2. Agronomy;
  3. Forestry;
  4. Animal husbandry;

The educational programs of the first level of higher education (bachelor’s degree) are financed by 100%.

The educational programs of the second level of higher education (master's degree) are: Agricultural Technologies.

  1. Agronomy (English language);
  2. Forestry;
  3. Organic agriculture;
  4. Medicinal plants.

The educational programs of the third level of higher education (doctor’s degree) are:

  1. Agricultural Technologies
  2. Forestry;
  3. Animal husbandry

Bachelor’s program has 786 registered students

Master’s program has 16 registered students

Doctor’s program has 7 registered students

The faculty participates in the exchange program with the University of Poznan within the frameworks of "Erasmus +" program. Within the frameworks of the program, 3 students of the master's degree in forestry during 1 semester (1st semester of 2017-2018) are taking educational course at the University of Poznan, and 2 students of the master's degree of the University of Poznan are taking educational course at the Agricultural Technical University of Georgia for 1 semester (1st semester of 2017-2018) at the Faculty of Sciences and Biosystems Engineering (Forestry).

Bachelor’s programs in animal husbandry and agronomy are implemented within the frameworks of an agreement with Iowa State University.

A prerequisite for success of the programs

  1. High interest of the state in the field of agriculture, which is reflected in the full funding of bachelor's programs;
  2. University’s best material-technical base;
  3. Best bases for field practice;
  4. Highly qualified teaching-scientific and supporting staff;

Environment adapted for persons with disabilities.