University International School of Design Council’s Announcement On the Appointment of an Election for the School Dean Position


According to Article 29 of the Law of Georgia “On Higher Education”, Article 21 of the University Charter approved by Order of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia No. 133/n of September 9th, 2013 “On Approval of the Charter of the Legal Entity of Public Law - Georgian Technical University”, Article 2, Paragraph 9, Articles 24, 25 and 26 of the Regulation “On Conducting Elections of the Governing Bodies (Governing Entities) of the Georgian Technical University and Faculty”, based on the decision taken at the meeting of the International School of Design Council of the University on November 29th, 2024 (Minutes of the Meeting No. 8):

1. Elections for Dean of the International School of Design will be held on February 3rd, 2025.

2. The School Council will elect the Dean of the School for a four-year term. The same person may be elected to the position of Dean only twice in a row.

3. The position of Dean of the School may be held by a person who meets the following requirements:

a) is a professor or associate professor of the School;

b) has 5 years of experience in a leadership position;

c) has a doctoral (or equivalent) academic degree.
4. Candidates must apply and attach documents from January 13th to January 27th, 2025 to the School Election Commission - Tbilisi, Kostava 77,
Building 8, 2nd floor, room №3. Applications are accepted from 10:00 to 17:00, except on weekends and holidays.

5. The application must be accompanied by:

a) a copy of an identity document (ID card, passport);

b) a certificate of academic position held at the International School of Design of the Georgian Technical University;

c) documents confirming the candidate’s compliance with the requirements set forth;

d) an action plan.

6. The public presentation of the action program to the International School of Design Council will be scheduled for January 30th, 2025.

7. The Academic Council, by a qualified majority (2/3) of votes, by secret ballot, individually decides on the issue of participation in the competition for an administrative position by a person aged 65 and over. A person of the specified age must additionally submit the consent of the Academic Council to the School Election Commission. An interested person on this issue must apply to the Academic Council with an application by December 28th, 2024, through the University Office of Records (address: 77 Kostava St., Administrative Building, 2nd floor).

The presence of a person in the Academic Council during the consideration of his/her issue is mandatory, otherwise, the topic will not be considered.

8. The elections will be held according to the University Regulations “On the Conduct of Elections of the Governing Bodies (Governing Entities) of the Georgian Technical University and the Faculty”.