
The analysis of the training system of mining profile specialists confirms that it is impossible to create a real representation of a modern shaft (mine), to practically study the processes taking place there in a high school (even if the training rooms and laboratories should be perfectly organized). This is also complicated by the fact that during the study period, the student's business connection with the mining enterprise is short-lived and ends only with short-term production practices. The young specialist literally begins to learn the complex mechanized complexes and other underground equipment, to develop the habits of managing mining technological processes after coming to work at the shaft (mine). The training shaft-laboratory provides a favorable condition for conducting a continuous process of theoretical and practical teaching in the high school.

The mine-laboratory, which has no analogues at all, is a set of horizontal, inclined, vertical tunnels and chambers equipped with modern mining equipment, mechanisms and automated means of managing production processes, with the entire underground power supply system. The total length of the tunnels is within 1000 meters. The depth of their distribution is 16 and 30 meters from the ground surface.

The shaft-laboratory is connected to the third building of the Technical University. Access to it is carried out by an elevator and a spare staircase section. The thrust and ventilation horizons of the thrust field are located at the level of 410 and 422 marks. Among them there are inclined tunnels - Bremsberg, Bremsberg Passage and cleaning ruins (the place of direct mineral extraction), the inclination of which is 90. In modern shaft cleaning ruins, mechanized complexes are used, which are used to extract, bring out, and strengthen the working space. Mastering these extremely complex mechanisms, which is impossible with traditional forms of teaching, becomes real thanks to the learning laboratory. The 70-meter-long cleaning rubble is intended for complexes used in layers of medium thickness. The pulling of the line on the bearing (lower) horizon is carried out by a tunneling combine, which ensures the destruction of rock, cleaning of the crushed mass and placement in vehicles. In the second tunnel of the same horizon, it is planned to destroy the rock by drilling and blasting. The cycle of tunneling by this method includes the following processes: drilling with a drilling machine, drilling of demolition and contouring spurs, placing (charging) of explosive substances in them, protection of spurs, setting up an explosive network, explosion (simulation of an explosion), ventilation of the ruins, etc.  In the tunnel demolition, students master the whole complex of extraction operations, including the habits of safe execution of drilling and blasting work, thus allowing them to really master the profession of a blaster.

Different types of chambers are built in the mine-laboratory: water spillway (with pumping equipment), electric substation, electric vehicle depot, fire-fighting train, Bremsberg, winch, cableway drive, technological equipment launching equipment. Through them, students thoroughly study the operation of stationary mining equipment, underground power supply, automatic control and safety issues. All the conditions for the individual work of students are created here, which is a prerequisite for professional training - getting to know and master the habits of technological processes and production management. The underground polygon allows active forms and methods of learning to be effectively combined with practical-production modeling. Through the TV equipment installed in the tunnel, the theoretical lecture course is broadcasted in the special auditoriums of the training building with the demonstration of the relevant processes. The laboratory has two auditoriums for conducting lectures and practical classes. The mine-laboratory, at the same time, is the constructive technological and trial-experimental base of the institute and the center for raising the qualifications of high school teachers.