
Tkibuli Mining-Technological Institute was established on the basis of the resolution #333 of the Government of Georgia on November 3, 2010, by merging the public law legal entity - Tkibuli Vocational Training Center with the public law legal entity – Georgian Technical University.

            The official name of the institute is: Tkibuli Mining and Technological Institute of the Faculty of Mining and Geology of the Georgian Technical University.

             The main directions of the institute's activities are the implementation of educational programs in the field of mining, geology and construction, namely:

  1. a) Implementation of professional education programs
  2. b) Retraining of specialists, raising of qualifications.

In 2011-2018, the institute implemented professional education programs at three levels: (III – IV – V):

  1. Mining technician (III-IV-V)
  2. Mining electromechanic (III - IV - V)
  3. Tunnel conductor (III-IV-V)
  4. Mining equipment operation and repair safety specialist (III – IV _ V)
  5. Specialist in solid mineral enrichment technology (III - IV - V)
  6. Electric locomotive (III)
  7. Welder (III - IV)
  8. Brick-lawyer (III)
  9. Painter (III)


In the spring of 2018, the institute was authorized to add three modular professional programs "Mining Technician", "Mining Electromechanic", "Specialist in Solid Minerals Enrichment Technology".

In 2019, the institute again passed authorization for three modular professional programs "Plasterer", "Painter", "Information technology support".

Tkibuli Mining-Technological Institute is staffed by qualified personnel with many years of experience.

From 2011 to 2021, the institute was headed by Revaz Zhovladze, who made a great contribution to the formation of the Tkibuli Mining-Technological Institute, as well as to professional education in general.

From 2021, the director of the institute is Grigol Tsnobiladze.

Tkibuli Mining Technological Institute makes an important contribution to the development of the region by training qualified personnel.