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Lines (2008)

Critical reading / deconstruction of given photographic texts

Nature articulated through culture

Correcting (Critique of depth)

Abstraction (Surfaces)



A photo is selected as a source text. Each photographic image has semantic aspect. It conveys meaning.

To communicate meaning the photo must rely on recognizable set of iconic signs.

But every sign contains in itself potential instability and tendency to dissemination. Through the use of photo mainpulation separation between signifier and signified is acheived. This we can call a 'deconstruction'.

The standard set of tool offered by Photoshop is put to work to expose individual views and attitudes of each author.

Professor: Shota Bostanashvili.
Group (2008): Elene Darjania, Tamar Tsanava, Mariam Giguashvili, Salome Makashvili, Otia Ioseliani.

Source Photo 1
deconstruction 1
Elene Darjania
deconstruction 2
Salome Makashvili
Source Photo 2
deconstruction 3
Elene Darjania
deconstruction 4
Otia Ioseliani
Source Photo 3
deconstruction 5
Elene Darjania
deconstruction 6
Tamar Tsanava
Source Photo 4
deconstruction 7
Tamar Tsanava
deconstruction 8
Salome Makashvili
Source Photo 5
deconstruction 7
Otia Ioseliani
Doors of nature
Salome Makashvili
Source Photo 8
deconstruction 9
Tamar Tsanava
deconstruction 10
Nika Maisuradze