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Shota Bostanashvili

Prof. Shota Bostanashvili (1948 - 2013), architect, poet, researcher is the founder of studio "Poetics of Architecture".

Shota Bostanashvili graduated from Georgian Polytechnic Institute (currently Georgian Technical University) majoring in architecture. 1966-1970 he worked in "Georgian state design" bureau as an architect-technician. 1970-1990 he worked as an architect and then as head of architectural department of design bureau of Faculty of Architecture. His academic career began in 1978 at the same faculty.

International and local competition award-winning student design projects, completed under his tutorship mark Shota Bostanashvili's pedagogical achievements on the Faculty of architecture (GTU). Studio Poetics of Architecture is high-point of his academic career. Teaching method that follows Prof. Bostanashvili's original understanding of architecture, creates a place where creative freedom is celebrated - each interaction resulting in birth of new viewpoints and findings.

Prof. Bostanashvili's 40 year old architectural practice counts dozens of projects and built work, many of which are recipients of local and international awards. Among many projects of particular significance are Cube of Memory (Senaki 1975), Glory to work memorial (Kutaisi, 1976), Temple of memory (Mukhrani, 1975), Bread factory (Tbilisi, 1984). This marks the first half of his career. The projects mentioned above are designed in partnership with architect Vakhtang Davitaia (HFAIA), head of The Design Bureau at the time. After Georgia regained its independence Shota Bostanashvili completed two major projects: Residential house (1998) and Palace of Poetry (1999-2002), both in Tbilisi.

Shota Bostanashvili's research work has many facets. His research papers include themes ranging from philosophy of culture, semiotics, literary critique, heritage studies and reviews. Theory of poetics of architecture is his main academic achievement alongside research of the material cultural heritage of Jews in Georgia. This work spanning more than 20 years includes documentation of the Synagogues and cemeteries in Georgia as well as restoration. This research was summarized in prof. Bostanashvili's dissertation thesis "Poetics of Space. Architecture of Synagogues and Jewish cemeteries in Georgia" (GTU, 2008)

Shota Bostanashvili's poetry is published in the issues of "Chveni Mtserloba" and other literary journals. The poetry is continuation of his architectural and critical thought and reflects his philosophy and views on language and art. In his poetry he lets the Georgian language speak for itself, beyond the desires of the author. The book "Four Discourses" (2012) is comprised of four poems where the verse is written through "water", "fire", "air" and "earth".

Shota Bostanashvili reads his poem "Fire discourse" from the book "Four discourses" in the auditorium of the Georgian society for vision impaired (May, 2008).

Poetics of Architecture" was recognized by the International Academy of Architecture. Following Shota Bostanashvili's lecture and exhibition of the works he was elected as a professor of the Academy (1997). The architect was also corresponding member of IAA Moscow branch (2001), Academician of IAA Eastern countries branch (Baku 1999) and full professor at Georgian Technical University.

See below gallery of the architect's work. Follow this link to see his profile on

Shota Bostanashvili. Works.

Zemeli culture center (2006)
Palace of poetry (2001)
Residential House (1998)
9 April Memorial
Piligrims (1988)
Actor('s) House (1985)
Memorial comlex (1985)
Park Maltakva (1986)
Bread factory (1983)
Ethnographic museum (1979)
Glory to work memorial (1979)
Poti culture center (1976)
Cube of memory (1975)
Temple of memory (1974)
New villages of Khevsureti (1973)