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Manifesto for Poetics of Architecture

- One can teach only how to learn;

- My effort is directed towards the return of the Poetand the Myth in architecture; this implies primacy of humanitarian thinking - return to nature and humanity;

- Respect for heritage does not hinder recognizing the fact that Culture is a barrier, as it creates stereotypes in thinking, that must be overcome;

- The “gene” of architecture is irrational and intends to govern the space through symbols;

- Architecture is art and defies methodological clichés;

- Architecture is art - an exceptional ability to express emotions and evoke them in others - this means to retain childhood and passion for play; to retain the capacity to wonder and to be exhilarated; wonder at all that surrounds you and with all that you see, as if for the first time; exhilaration with being, which is marvel and vision, which is celebration;

- Architecture is art - it is a realm where one is not punished for transgressing dogmas and the canon; where one is not punished for diktat, intrigue and provocations, since the Beauty is being ascertained. The source of Beauty lies beyond empirical reality, it is devoid of utility and causes selfless delight;

- Art is that which reality lacks, that which it conceals and which must be enticed from it; perhaps reality does not conceal anything, but is rather simple, and art is nothing but a “criminal accusation” against reality;

The “Begining“ is depleted; it is already obvious that we have to recreate the “Begining“ with the ingredients of the „End

Shota Bostanashvili, 1990

Manifesto for Constructum

- The altered episteme of new epoch puts forward text instead of oeuvre — Constructum instead of Arche and architecture;

- Constructum as a rhetorical figure is an alternative to architecture.;

- Constructum is presented by the language, as architecture was before;

- Constructum as a proto-cultural term draws its border where it was erased — at post-culture, last place for architecture;

- Constructum is a realization of the discourse of “packaging”;

- Constructum is a free play of signifiers;

- Constructum helps humanitarian disciplines to free the objects (things) from connotative burden on architecture’s example;

Constructum — textus (Lat. textile, net) suggests, that „we are in the net“;

- Constructum started the movement towards critical discourse of architecture.

Shota Bostanashvili
David Bostanashvili. 2011