
In 1992, the Chair of Special English Language Teaching was formed at the Georgian Technical University in order to introduce humanitarian specialties.  Professor Nugzar Sikharulidze was invited as the head of the department. From the first day of its establishment, the department started not only intensive teaching of English language, but also created such specialties necessary for humanitarian-technical education and training of specialists, such as translation officer, civil servant, city manager and tourism. Later, except for translator-referent, the rest of the specialties were separated as separate departments, and all foreign languages were united first into one department and then into a department of under the leadership of Prof. N. Sikharulidze, all three levels, bachelor's, master's, doctoral.

At the same time, in 1994, an important multi-year grant project was implemented on the basis of GTU, for the first time in Georgia, in the form of the Georgian-American Institute for the Training of State Servants (IPA) later (GIPA). The American side was represented by the US National Academy of State Servants (NAPA), and the Georgian side was represented by the specialists of the Technical University, under the leadership of Prof. N. Sikharulidze, who was appointed the director of this institute at the same time. Because the training of such specialists was a new initiative in Georgia, the entire professorship was staffed by American teachers, and studies were conducted in English. The institute has implemented many projects, including technical ones. In particular, equipping the building of the Parliament of Georgia with computer equipment, and the meeting hall with an electronic voting network.

Today, the department maintains a university profile. In addition to teaching B1 and B2 levels of foreign languages, it also teaches foreign languages (English, Russian, German, French) in accordance with the requirements of engineering and technical specialties with professional directions. In addition, based on modern requirements, which require specialists to use foreign language for active oral and written communication in accordance with the existing international standards, the department has prepared and implements the teaching of the basics of business communication with both theoretical and practical components. At the same time, a theoretical and practical technical translation course was developed and implemented, which allows graduates to receive all kinds of information and use it in their work not only personally, but also through translation, for public consumption. Also, to introduce foreign partners and the public to personal, team or corporate information by transferring it from Georgian to a foreign language, at a highly qualified level.

All existing training courses are implemented by highly qualified professors and teachers who are employed in the department. In addition to the educational process, the professors of the department were engaged in translation activities. Based on the needs of the university, many books and articles were translated from foreign languages into Georgian and from Georgian into foreign languages.