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Madhouse (2018)

A folie for a single fool (mad dweller)
A folie for a single dweller
A folie for a single dweller
A folie for a single dweller
Each patient of the clinic finds his therapeutic spatial configuration fit to his psychological needs.
Paradigmatic image: buildingmaking as a mad activity.
The clinic builds a folie for each dweller.
Overview of the clinic complex.
Central building. Section.
Central building. Plans.
Main void

Student: Lika Oniani

Professor: David Bostanashvili

Theme: Psychiatric clinic + architectural space research laboratory for the mad + construction office of folies.

Master's thesis project, 2018.

The complex is a hybrid of Psychiatric clinic, architectural space research laboratory for the mad and the construction office of folies. The clinic builds a dwelling folie for each individual patient. The configuration of space is fit for the individual patient and his psychological needs. One of the inspirations of the project are the miniatures of the middle age illuminators depicting construction process. The place for the clinic is presented as a juxtaposition of constant (main building of the complex) and the ever-changing (the folies that are rebuilt).