"Department of Industrial Innovations and Operations Management" was established in 2010 at the Faculty of Energy and Telecommunications on the basis of the "Engineering Innovation and Project Management" Department N 67, created in 2004. The basis of all this was the master's department established in 1996 in GTU, which was at the head of teaching students of the second level of higher education - master's degree.
Currently, the "Department of Industrial Innovation and Operations Management" leads the training of students with one vocational training, three bachelor's, two master's and one doctoral programs. These are: professional - "production engineering specialist", bachelor's degree - "production and service systems engineering" and "engineering management" (Georgian and Russian), master's degree - "technological project management and industrial policy" and "technology management and policy" (English), Doctorate - "Innovation and Operations Management".
The general goal of the activity of the Department of "Industrial Innovations and Operations Management" is to prepare competitive specialists based on the use of modern teaching methods and scientific research, who will be able to use the capabilities of projects, technologies and production operations management to manage innovative processes in Georgian industry.