

A wide range of faculties and educational programmes

At GTU, there are now 13 faculties, 14 scientific research institutions, and 1 centre in operation. The institution offers a broad range of academic programmes in the fields of humanities and engineering.



The top brand technologies in the world that match European quality are installed at GTU's laboratories, providing students with the chance to perform over 700 laboratory tasks and acquire practical knowledge.



A pact of cooperation has been signed by GTU with prominent national and international organisations.

Students have the possibility to complete an internship (often paid) with partner organisations beginning in their first year to get practical experience and expand their professional knowledge.


Education accessibility

  1. GTU offers 32 free bachelor's programmes that are totally sponsored by the state.
  2. The student is eligible for all of the benefits offered by the state programme for the socially weak, children of war veterans, internally displaced people, and victims of villages near the line of separation.
  3. A GTU student who is unable to earn a state grant will be able to pay tuition costs on an individual basis. In this instance, the student should contact the faculty management.


Exchange programmes

Georgian Technical University works together with 68 universities in 17 European countries to provide students with mobility opportunities through the Erasmus+ programme and with funding from the same programme. Italy, Spain, Germany, Turkey, Poland, France, Portugal, Sweden, Greece, and more countries are examples. Students of all levels are welcome to participate in international mobility in technical, humanitarian, agricultural, and social programmes.


Student life

Along with their studies, GTU students participate in a variety of sports and cultural activities. The University has successful sports teams in rugby, football, judo, Georgian wrestling, billiards, chess, chess, sambo, bowling, volleyball, snow and sand volleyball, and basketball. GTU has won numerous notable awards in this sport, both in Georgia and abroad.

In addition, there are active student public theatres like "Modi-Nakhe," boys' chapel, "GTU Jazz Orchestra," choreographic ensembles like "Merani," student girls' ensembles "Kaldea," and other musical ensembles.

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